Being material / edited by Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich, Leila W. Kinney, Skylar Tibbits, Rebecca Uchill, and Evan Ziporyn.
Main entry:

Being Material (2017 : Cambridge, Mass.),

Title & Author:

Being material / edited by Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich, Leila W. Kinney, Skylar Tibbits, Rebecca Uchill, and Evan Ziporyn.


Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, [2019]


207 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), map, portraits ; 32 cm

Based on a April 21-22, 2017 symposium entitled Being Material, sponsored by The MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology.
"The front cover and select pages of this book are designed to interact with its companion website. Visit http://beingmaterial.mit.edu using any camera-enabled phone and point the camera at: 1. Interactive cover: At the top of the front cover, grab the edge of the green card and slide vertically. The website is programmed to interact with the dynamic color arrangements. 2. Select interior pages: Articles with the URL at the top of the page have more digital content accessible. The website will be able to detect these pages and display the additional material" -- Front dust jacket flap.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Being Material, an Introduction p.11 / Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich, Leila W. Kinney, Skylar Tibbits, Rebecca Uchill, and Evan Ziporyn -- PROGRAMMABLE -- Introduction p.14 / Skylar Tibbits -- Ferrite Cores, Whirlwind Computer Project: The Materials of Memory p.16 / Deborah G. Douglas -- Code as Material p.20 / Ben Fry and Casey Reas -- Frugal Science in the Age of Curiosity p.26 / Manu Prakash, Jim Cybulski, Rebecca Konte, Team Foldscope and the global Foldscope community -- Machine Agency p.30 / Nadya Peek -- Another Matter: Notes on Worldeating p.34 / Benjamin H. Bratton -- Interdigitation p.43 / Tom Özden-Schilling -- WEARABLE -- Introduction p.46 / Leila W. Kinney -- The Materials of Immateriality: Hussein Chalayan's Fashion p.50 / Michelle Tolini Finamore -- Yarn-dez-vous, 2014 p.62 / Azra Aksamija -- Crafting Material, Being Material p.66 / M. Amah Edoh -- HAPIfork and the Haptic Turn in Wearable Technology p.70 / Natasha D. Schull -- The Algorithms Have Eyes Hyphen-Labs p.76 / Ashley Baccus-Clark, Ece Tankal, Nitzan Bartov, Carmen Aguilar y Wedge -- Beyond Wearables: The Future Is Fleshy p.80 / Christina Agapakis and Lucy McRae -- Interweaving p.95 / Tom Özden-Schilling -- LIVABLE -- Introduction p.98 / Rebecca Uchill and Stefan Helmreich -- Microuniverse p.102 / Tal Danino -- Being Material Beings p.108 / Claire Pentecost -- That Touch of Money p.112 / Bill Maurer -- Standing Rock: Selma Moment for the Environmental Justice Movement p.120 / Winona LaDuke, illustrated by Sarah LittleRedfeather -- Interleaving p.127 / Tom Özden-Schilling -- INVISIBLE -- Introduction p.130 / Stefan Helmreich and Rebecca Uchill -- Ways of Absence: or, The Unbearable Heft of Materialized p.134 / Sandy Alexandre -- Invisible Images p.140 / Lisa Parks in conversation with Trevor Paglen -- Mediating Animal-Infrastructure Relations p.144 / Lisa Parks -- Persistent Ephemeral Pollutants p.154 / Nicholas Shapiro -- To See or Not to See? Dilemmas in Imaging and Intelligence p.162 / George Barbastathis -- Interstitial p.169 / Tom Özden-Schilling -- AUDIBLE -- Introduction p.172 / Evan Ziporyn -- On "Land? p.174 / Evan Ziporyn in conversation with Dewa Alit -- Air p.176 / Maya Beiser -- Magnetic Resonances p.178 / Arnold Dreyblatt -- Born-Digital Musical Instruments p.180 / Victor Gama -- Hey Exit: Every Recording of Gymnopedie 1 / Brendan Landis -- Vessels: Being as Material p.186 / Grace Leslie -- Musical Trojan Horse: Uncontrollable Sounds p.188 / Pawel Romanczuk -- Gymnopedie Z (Erik Satie, arr. Ziporyn) p.190 / Evan Ziporyn -- Outroduction p.193 / Marie-Pier Boucher -- Biographies p.197.

"In 1995, MIT's Nicholas Negroponte predicted that "being digital" would have us entering a realm increasingly unconstrained by the materiality of the world. Two decades later, our everyday lives are indeed ever more suffused by computation and calculation. But unwieldy materiality persists and even reasserts itself. At the intersection of art, science and technology, "Being Material" revisits Negroponte's prediction by exploring new and unexpected convergences between the digital and the material in the practices of artists, designers, engineers and scientists who work with programmable matter, self-assembling structures, 3D/4D printing, wearable technologies and bio-inspired design. This book will radically intervene into the understanding of how material dynamics limit, expand, transform, and/or vivify our biological, social and political lives. "Being Material" will revisit the history of material science (particularly at MIT), contribute to "new materialism" in critical theory, and place both projects in dialogue with kindred and contrasting philosophy, art practice and critique. The editors and contributors refine and expand on such cross-field investigations by developing a contrast among five different material genealogical lineages: programmable, wearable, livable, invisible, and audible"-- Provided by publisher.


9780262043281 (hardcover : alk. paper)
0262043289 (hardcover : alk. paper)
(electronic bk.)


Commercial products Computer-aided design Congresses.
Art objects Computer-aided design Congresses.
Commercial products Computer-aided design Pictorial works.
Art objects Computer-aided design Pictorial works.
Digital media Psychological aspects Congresses.
Senses and sensation Philosophy Congresses.
Materialism Congresses.
Material culture Congresses.
Produits commerciaux Conception assistée par ordinateur Congrès.
Objets d'art Conception assistée par ordinateur Congrès.
Produits commerciaux Conception assistée par ordinateur Ouvrages illustrés.
Objets d'art Conception assistée par ordinateur Ouvrages illustrés.
Médias numériques Aspect psychologique Congrès.
Sens et sensations Philosophie Congrès.
Matérialisme Congrès.
Culture matérielle Congrès.
Material culture


Pictorial works
Conference papers and proceedings

Added entries:

Boucher, Marie-Pier, editor.
Helmreich, Stefan, 1966- editor.
Kinney, Leila W., editor.
Tibbits, Skylar, editor.
Uchill, Rebecca, 1978- editor.
Ziporyn, Evan, editor.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Art, Science & Technology, sponsoring body, host institution.


Location: Library main 306671
Call No.: BIB 252227
Status: Available


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