Kertész, André, photographer, author.
Kertész on Kertész : a self-portrait / photos and text by André Kertész ; introduction by Peter Adam.
New York : Abbeville Press, [1985]
120 pages : chiefly black and white photographs ; 27 cm
"Droll, poignant, gently mysterious, and always arresting, these photographs of Manhattan scenes and people, of yesteday's irretrievably romantic Paris and Budapest, and of sinuous nudes and celebrated artists mark his genius with the 35mm camera, whose special capabilities he was among the first to exploit."--Page 2 of cover.
Kertész, André.
Photography, Artistic.
Black-and-white photography.
Photographie artistique.
Photographie en noir et blanc.
art photography.
black-and-white photography.
Adam, Peter, Author of introduction.
Location: Library main 8263
Call No.: PO13032; ID:87-B1321
Status: Available
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