Reed, Kate Armour, author.
A woman's touch : Kate Reed and Canada's Grand Hotels / by Kate Armour Reed.
[Canada] : John Aylen Books, [2016]
[8], 299, [18] pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 24 cm
Kate Reed, 1856-1928, was Canada's first decorator, a career woman before the term was coined. Famous for creating the interiors of grand hotels and mountain lodges built by the Canadian Pacific Railway at the end of the 19th century, Kate Reed was the arbiter of style that marked Canada as an early tourist destination.
9780995334106 paper
Reed, Kate, 1856-1928 Biography.
Railroad Canadian Pacific Railway.
Hotels Canada Design and construction.
Hotels Canada History.
Hôtels Canada Histoire.
Hotels Design and construction.
Kate Reed and Canada's Grand Hotels
Canada's Grand Hotels
Location: Library main 309462
Call No.: BIB 254716
Status: Available
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