現代写真の動向 = Another reality / 編集深川雅文 [and others]. Gendai shashin no dōkō = Another reality / henshū Fukagawa Masafumi [and others].
Kawasaki-shi : Kawasaki-shi Shimin Myūjiamu, [1995]
96 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 x 26 cm; +1 brochure (8 pages, 24 cm).
Parr (Martin) Collection.
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Portrait photography Japan Exhibitions.
Photography Digital techniques Exhibitions.
Photography Japan History 20th century Exhibitions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Portraits (Photographie) Japon Expositions.
Photographie numérique Expositions.
Photography, Artistic.
Photography Digital techniques.
Portrait photography.
Exhibition catalogs.
Fukagawa, Masafumi, 1958- editor.
Kawasaki-shi Shimin Myūjiamu.
Another reality, aspects of contemporary photography.
Another reality
Aspects of contemporary photography
現代写真の動向 = Another reality / 編集深川雅文 [and others].
Location: Library main 202235
Call No.: TR645.K32 K3 1995
Status: Available
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