Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena / Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz (editors).
Basel, Switzerland : Birkhauser, [2020]
760 pages : color illustrations, maps, portraits, charts, facsimilies, plans ; 30 cm
Digital technology and architecture have become inseparable, with new approaches and methodologies not just affecting the workflows and practice of architects but shaping the very character of architecture. This compendious work offers a wide-ranging orientation to the new landscape with its opportunities, its challenges, and its vast potential. Contributing Editors: Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg, Oliver Fritz Contributors: Diana Alvarez-Marin, Jakob Beetz, André Borrmann, Petra von Both, Harald Gatermann, Marco Hemmerling, Ursula Kirschner, Reinhard König, Dominik Lengyel, Bob Martens, Frank Petzold, Sven Pfeiffer, Miro Roman, Kay Römer, Hans Sachs, Philipp Schaerer, Sven Schneider, Odilo Schoch, Milena Stavric, Peter Zeile, Nikolaus Zieske Writer: Sebastian Michael
9783035619904 hardcover
3035619905 hardcover
9783035619898 paperback
3035619891 paperback
Architecture and technology.
Architecture Data processing.
Computer graphics.
Computer-aided design.
Computer Graphics
Computer-Aided Design
Architecture et technologie.
Ordinateurs Architecture.
Conception assistée par ordinateur.
computer graphics.
computer-aided designs (visual works)
Hirschberg, Urs, editor.
Hovestadt, Ludger, editor.
Fritz, Oliver, 1967- editor.
Location: Library main 309099
Call No.: BIB 254372
Status: Available
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