Franta, Petr, 1948- author.
Applying double skin façade with ETFE membrane assembly for energy saving and acoustic protection for the building of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics in Prague / author 1: Petr Franta, Architect, OAQ, AIA, CKA.
[approximately 2016]
1 folder (8 sheets) : illustrations (some colour) ; 30 cm
Český institut informatiky robotiky a kybernetiky.
Architecture and energy conservation Czech Republic Prague.
College buildings Soundproofing Czech Republic Prague.
Architecture et économies d'énergie République tchèque Prague.
Architecture and energy conservation.
Prague (Czech Republic) Buildings, structures, etc.
Czech Republic Prague.
Location: Library main 307944
Call No.: BIB 253407
Status: Available
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