Hernández León, Juan Miguel author.
Arquitectura española contemporánea : la otra modernidad : Iñaki Ábalos, Juan Herreros, Enric Miralles, Carlos Ferrater, Rafael Moneo, Ángela García de Paredes, Ignacio García Pedrosa, Francisco Mangado, Luis Moreno Mansilla, Emilio Tuñón, Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, Alberto Campo Baeza, Eduardo Arroyo, Alejandro Zaera, Fuensanta Nieto, Enrique Sobejano / [fotografías] Marc Llimargas i Casas ; [texto] Juan Miguel Hernández León ; traducción, Andrew Langdon-Davies.
Barcelona : Lunwerg Editores, [2007]
332 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm
Architecture Spain History 20th century.
Architecture Spain History 21st century.
Architecture, Spanish History 20th century.
Architecture, Spanish History 21st century.
Architecture Espagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Espagne Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture espagnole Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture espagnole Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture, Spanish.
Llimargas, Marc photographer.
Langdon-Davies, Andrew translator.
Location: Library main m 291118
Call No.: BIB 234465
Status: Available
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