Synergetic stew : explorations in Dymaxion dining.
Facsimile edition.
Zürich : Lars Müller Publishers, [2020]
118 pages, ix pages : illustrations, facsimiles ; 23 cm
As a surprise gift for his eighty-sixth birthday, Fuller received 'Synergetic Stew': a compilation of cooking recipes contributed by his friends and colleagues, sharing personal anecdotes and humorous recollections of his life, such as a reminiscence about Bucky's somewhat peculiar but enthusiastic love for tea. Scattered throughout the book are enticing texts and poems from Fuller himself. The book is a glimpse into Fuller's life, told by his peers and embedded in nearly a hundred achievable recipes. A few of them are joyful odes towards Fuller's oeuvre, such as Shirley Sharkey's Geodesicandy, the Microbiotic Diet by John Cage, or Amy Edmondson's Allspace-Filling Whole Wheat Bread. In addition to the facsimile, Fuller's grandson Jaime Snyder reflects upon often overlooked facets of Bucky's character, revealed through anecdotes of his relationship with food. Short profiles of all contributors complete the reprint.
9783037786437 (paperback)
3037786434 (paperback)
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983.
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983 Friends and associates.
Spiral bindings.
Facsimiles (reproductions)
facsimiles (reproductions)
Snyder, Jamie (filmmaker)
Buckminster Fuller Institute.
Explorations in Dymaxion dining
Location: Library main 308785
Call No.: BIB 254116
Status: Available
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