Dobson, Edward, 1816-1908.
The rudiments of masonry and stonecutting : exhibiting the principles of masonic projection and their application to the construction of curved wing-walls and domes, oblique bridges, and Roman and Gothic vaulting / by Edward Dobson ; illustrated with forty-nine engravings on wood ; fifty-one illustrations drawn on stone ; and four plates of specimens of Gothic masonry.
10th ed. with an appendix on the causes of decay and the preservation of stone.
London : Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1888.
viii, 146 pages, [XII] folded leaves of plates : illustrations ; 18 cm
Weale's rudimentary series ; 25
Pierre Taille.
Maçonnerie de pierre.
Location: Library main y 140286
Call No.: WY2703; ID:86-B9928
Status: Available
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