Castellón, Juan José interviewee.
Juan José Castellón in conversation with Andrew Goodhouse.
Montréal, Québec, Canada : Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2015.
1 online resource (1 PDF file (4 pages))
During a visit to the exhibition Jai Tech: Ábalos & Herreros selected by Juan José Castellón, music can be heard playing in the gallery. Guest curator Juan José Castellón, who worked in the office of Ábalos & Herreros, selected these songs as background music for the exhibition, to evoke the atmosphere of the office as he remembered it. The music helps to recreate in the gallery a bit of the office that Iñaki Ábalos and Juan Herreros led in Madrid from 1984 through 2008. But how important was music to the working environment of the office? Juan José Castellón tells us more.
Castellón, Juan José Interviews.
Centre canadien d'architecture Interviews.
Abalos & Herreros.
Centre canadien d'architecture
Music in the workplace.
Musique en milieu de travail.
Oral histories.
Goodhouse, Andrew interviewer.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
French title from CCA website: Cet esprit pop : une entrevue avec Juan José Castellón
English title from CCA website: This pop attitude : Juan José Castellón interviewed by Andrew Goodhouse
Location: Library electronic resource 308412
Call No.: 308412
Notes: Transcript
Status: Available
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