For the love of Carthage : cemeteries, a bath and the circus in the southwest part of the city; pottery, brickstamps and lamps from several sites; the presence of saints, & urban development in the pertica region / edited by J.H. Humphrey ; with contributions by H. Ben Romdhane, R. Bockmann, M. Broisch, J. Carlsen, G.J. Evans, I. Fumadó Ortega, C. Gregg, L. Houghtalin, J.H. Humphrey, J. Lund, N. Norman, P. Scheding, S. Schmid, F. Schön, & S.T. Stevens ; and with S. Cespa, E. Jerray, B. Maraoui Telmini, E. Poulsen, N. Röring, Y. Sghaier & H. Töpfer.
Portsmouth, Rhode, Island : Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2020.
349 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans ; 29 cm
Journal of Roman archaeology. JRA Supplementary series, 1063-4304 ; number 109
9780999458631 (hardcover)
0999458639 (hardcover)
Genossenschaft Karthago
Archaeology Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Excavations (Archaeology) Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Romans Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Archéologie Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Fouilles (Archéologie) Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Romains Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Classical antiquities
Excavations (Archaeology)
Archäologische Stätte
Carthage (Extinct city) History.
Tunisia Antiquities, Roman.
Carthage (Ville ancienne) Histoire.
Tunisie Antiquités romaines.
Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Humphrey, John H., editor.
Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series ; no. 109.
Location: Library main periodicals 308632
Call No.: W.J68474s
Copy: no. 109
Status: Available
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