American-Soviet Building Conference (1945 : New York, N.Y.)
Proceedings, American-Soviet Building Conference / published in collaboration with the Architectural forum.
[New York?] : [Architects Committee], [1945]
206 pages : portraits ; 21 cm
Exhibited: "Construire un nouveau Nouveau Monde : L'amerikanizm dans l'architecture russe = Building a new New World: Amerikanizm in Russian Architecture", Centre Canadien d'Architecture, November 13, 2019-July 26, 2020.
Building trades Congresses.
Building trades United States.
Building trades Soviet Union.
Métiers de la construction Congrès.
Métiers de la construction États-Unis.
Métiers de la construction URSS.
Building trades
Soviet Union
United States
Construction United States 1940-1950.
Construction Soviet Union 1940-1950.
Conference papers and proceedings
Cooper, Louise.
Fitch, James Marston.
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship (U.S.). Architects Committee.
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter.
Architectural forum.
Location: Library main 221555
Call No.: HD9715.A2 A5 1945
Status: Available
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