Situated objects : buildings and projects / by Stan Allen ; photographs by Scott Benedict.
Zürich, Awitzerland : Park Books, [2020]
255 pages : illustrations, plans ; 26 cm
Stan Allen is an architect and Professor at Princeton University, and has won global acclaim, primarily for his work in town planning, and his influential essay ?Field Conditions?, which was published in 1996. Situated Objects now shows a very different facet of his creative process: a selection of small buildings and projects within the landscape of the Hudson Valley, New York. They demonstrate an approach to architecture that engages in a dialogue with this partly wild, and wholly non-urban environment that lies just outside the gates of New York City.0The projects are presented in drawings and a rich array of photographs, and are arranged in three thematic categories: Compounds, Material Histories, and New Natures, supplemented by the architect?s writings and essays by Helen Thomas and Jesús Vassallo. The numerous photos taken by celebrated architectural photographer Scott Benedict convey the special atmosphere of the Hudson Valley and the buildings that are embedded in it.
9783038602040 (hardcover)
3038602043 (hardcover)
Allen, Stan.
Architecture United States.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture États-Unis.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern
United States
Benedict, Scott, photographer.
Allen, Stan. Works. Selections.
Location: Library main 309366
Call No.: BIB 254630
Status: Available
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