Architecture and anarchism : building without authority / Paul Dobraszczyk.
Main entry:

Dobraszczyk, Paul, author.

Title & Author:

Architecture and anarchism : building without authority / Paul Dobraszczyk.


London : Antepavilion in association with Paul Holberton Publishing, [2021]


248 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
I. Liberty. Christiania (1971-), Copenhagen, Denmark -- Hundertwasser-haus (1977-86), Vienna, Austria -- Auroville (1968-), Tamil Nadu, India -- Burning Man, (1986-), global -- Rainbow Gatherings, (1972-), global -- Kumbh Mela (every 12 years), Allahabad, India -- Slab City (1950s-), California, USA -- Holzmarkt (2012-17), Berlin, Germany -- II. Escape. Plotlands (early 20th century), UK -- Nokken (1930s-), Copenhagen, Denmark -- Junk playgrounds (1943-), global -- Drop City (1965-73), Trinidad, Colorado, USA -- Maplewood Mudflats (1940s-71), Vancouver, Canada -- La ZAD (2009-), Nantes, France -- ADM squat (1997-2019), Amsterdam, Netherlands -- III. Necessity. The zone (1840-1944), Paris, France -- Calais Jungle (2015-16), Calais, France -- Dignity Village (2001-), Portland, USA -- Kowloon Walled City (1846-1994), Hong Kong -- Forte Prenestino (1986-), Rome, Italy -- Can Batllo (2011-), Barcelona, Spain -- Scaffolding, Claremont Road anti-roads protest (1994), London -- IV. Protest. Resurrection City (1968), Washington DC, USA -- Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp (1981-2000), Berkshire, UK -- Newbury bypass protests (1995-96), Berkshire, UK -- Grow Heathrow (2010-), London, UK -- Tahrir Square (2011), Cairo, Egypt -- Occupy Wall Street (2011), New York City, USA -- Umbrella Movement (2014), Hong Kong -- Extinction Rebellion (2018-), London, UK -- V. Ecology. Street Farmhouse (1972-75), London, UK -- Lama Foundation (1967-), New Mexico, USA -- Earthships (1970s-), global -- Open City (1971-), Ritoque, Chile -- Landmatters (2003-), Devon, UK -- Lammas (2009-), Wales, UK -- Prinzessinnengarten (2009-), Berlin, Germany -- Ruin Academy (2010-), Taipei, Taiwan -- VI. Art. Gordon Matta-Clark, Conical Intersect (1975), Paris, France -- Martin Kaltwasser & Folke Kobberling, Hausbau (2004-05), Berlin, Germany -- Clarence Schmidt, House of Mirrors (1940-1968), Woodstock, USA -- Ben Cummins, The Piano Raft (2013-), UK -- The Art House (2005-11), New Orleans, USA -- Tyree Guyton, Heidelberg Project (1986-), Detroit, USA -- Theaster Gates, Dorchester Projects (2009-), Chicago, USA -- VII. Speculation. Constant Nieuwenhuys, New Babylon (1958-74) -- Clifford Harper, Autonomous terrace (1976) -- William Gibson, The Bridge (1990s) -- Lebbeus Woods, various, 1980s -- Minecraft (2009-) -- Open Source Architecture (2011-) -- Anthony Ko, An Activist Artefact (2017) -- VIII. Participation. Giancarlo de Carlo, Villaggio Matteotti (1969-74), Terni, Italy -- Lucien Kroll, La Meme (1970-76), Brussels, Belgium -- Walter Segal, Walter's Way (1977-87), London -- Peter Sulzer & Peter Hubner, Bauhausle (1980-83), Stuttgart, Germany -- Raumlaborberlin, Utopia Station (2019), Milton Keynes, UK -- Assemble, Granby Four Streets (2013-), Liverpool, UK -- Atelier d'architecture autogeree, Agrocite (2018-), Paris, France -- Santiago Cirugeda, Recetas Urbanas (2009-), Seville, Spain.

"Architecture and Anarchism documents and illustrates 60 projects, past and present, that key into a libertarian ethos and desire for diverse self-organized ways of building. They are what this book calls 'anarchist' architecture -- forms of design and building motivated by the core values of autonomy, voluntary association, mutual aid and direct democracy. The projects highlight the stark gap between the autocratic way in which the built environment is generally governed and the aesthetic liberation that is vital to a full human flourishing in cities. They show how authoritarianism can sometimes be held at bay by differing kinds of libertarian politics. Taken as a whole, they are meant as an inspiration to build less uniformly, more inclusively and more freely."--Page 4 of cover


9781913645175 paperback
1913645177 paperback


Architecture and state.
Architecture and society.
Anarchism and art.
Vernacular architecture.
Architecture, Domestic Design and construction.
Eclecticism in architecture.
Anarchism and art Pictorial works.
Vernacular architecture Pictorial works.
Eclecticism in architecture Pictorial works.
Building Pictorial works.
Curiosities and wonders Pictorial works.
Architecture Politique gouvernementale.
Architecture et société.
Anarchisme et art Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture vernaculaire Ouvrages illustrés.
Éclectisme en architecture Ouvrages illustrés.
Construction Ouvrages illustrés.
Curiosités et merveilles Ouvrages illustrés.
Anarchisme et art.
Architecture vernaculaire.
Éclectisme en architecture.
vernacular architecture.
Historicism (architectural style)
Curiosities and wonders


Illustrated works
Informational works.
Ouvrages illustrés.
Documents d'information.

Added entries:

Building without authority


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