Expo 67, Montréal, Québec [graphic].
Title & Author:

Expo 67, Montréal, Québec [graphic].


<46> postcards : col. ; 10 x 15 cm.

Postcards produced on the occasion of Expo 67, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Apr. 28-Oct. 27, 1967; primarily numbered "official" postcards by Messageries de presse Benjamin with the Expo logo c1963.
All Messageries de press Benjamin cards have "Plastichrome of Canada" on verso.
Numbered "official" postcards: EX105. Pavillon d'Air Canada = Air Canada Pavilion -- EX108A. Auto Stade = Automotive Stadium -- EX111A. Pavillon de la France = Pavilion of France -- EX112A. Pavillon de l'association canadienne des pates et papier = The Canadian Pulp and Paper Pavilion -- EX116. Vue d'ensemble du site de l'EXPO 67 présenté par un artiste = Artist's conception of the master plan of the 1967 World Exhibition -- EX119. Montréal, Pavillon du Canada = Canadian Pavilion, Pavillons thématiques = Theme pavilions -- EX120. Oratoire Saint-Joseph = Saint Joseph Oratory, Montréal, Pavillon Alcan = The Alcan Pavilion, Stade de l'Expo = Expo 67 Stadium -- EX121A. Pavillon consacre aux nationals unies = Pavilion on the United Nations -- EX122A. Thailande = Thailand Pavilion -- EX127. Le Pavillon d'Israel = The Pavilion of Israel -- EX205. Le Pavillon de l'Union Sovietique = The Pavilion of the Soviet Union -- EX211. La Birmanie = The Pavilion of Burma -- EX213. Pavillon de la Grande-Bretagne = Great Britain Pavilion -- EX216. Le "Kaleidoscope" = The Kaleidoscope Pavilion -- EX225. Vue generale de l'Ile Notre-Dame = General view on Ile Notre-Dame -- EX231. Tour de gondole sur l'Ile Notre-Dame = Gondola ride on Ile Notre-Dame -- EX233. Place d'accueil = Pace d'accueil -- EX237. Le Pavillon des Etats-Unis = The Pavilion of the United States -- EX238. Le Pavillon des Etats-Unis = The Pavilion of the United States -- EX239. Le Pavillon des Etats-Unis = The Pavilion of the United States -- EX246. Le Jardin des Etoiles = The Garden of Stars -- EX253. Le Pavillon japonais = The Pavilion of Japan -- EX256. Iran = Iran -- EX258. Vue de la Cite du Havre = View on Cite du Havre -- EX262. Le Pavilion de la Republique de Chine = Pavilion of the Republic of China -- EX266. Vue d'un secteur de l'Ile Notre-Dame = International section on Ile Notre-Dame -- EX270. Le Pavillon du Quebec = Pavilion of the Province of Quebec -- [obscured number] . Vue de la Cite du Havre = View on Cite du Havre =[obscured number] . Le Pavillon de l'Ontario = Pavilion of the Province of Ontario -- [obscured number] . Le Pavillon de l'Union Sovietique = The Pavilion of the Soviet Union -- [obscured number] . Le teleferique de la Ronde = The Sky Ride on La Ronde -- [obscured number] . Le Pavillon de la France = Pavilion of France -- [obscured number] . Le Pavillon de l'Union Sovietique = The Pavilion of the Soviet Union -- [obscured number] . Le Jardin des Etoiles = The Garden of Stars -- [obscured number] . Pavillon Alcan = Alcan Pavilion
Misc. other postcards: Maine Pavilion Expo 67 -- Le Pavillon de la Société Polymer = Polymer Corporation Pavilion -- Meditheatre in the Man and his Health Pavilion = Médithéatre dans le Pavillon l'Home et la Santé -- The Ontario Pavilion -- Pavillon Japonais Expo 67 = Japanese Pavilion, Expo 67 -- Pavillon Japonais Expo 67, Vue de Tokio = Japanese Pavilion, Expo 67, A view of Tokyo -- Pavillon Japonais Expo 67, Palais Détaché Katsura, Kyoto = Japanese Pavilion, Expo 67, Katsura Detached Palace, Kyoto
French and English.
Library copy: <8> postcards have a Canada four-cent or Canada five-cent stamp affixed, obscuring the printed official card number; Pavilion of the Soviet Union bears the Pavilion's own stamp.

Le teleferique de la Ronde = The Sky Ride on La Ronde postcard exhibited: "Expo 67 : bien plus qu'un souvenir = Expo 67 : not just a souvenir", Centre canadien d'architecture, Mar. 31-Sept. 11, 2005.
Le teleferique de la Ronde = The Sky Ride on La Ronde postcard : exhibited: "Expo 67 : bien plus qu'un souvenir = Expo 67 : not just a souvenir", Centre canadien d'architecture, Mar. 31-Sept. 11, 2005.


Expo (International Exhibitions Bureau) (1967 : Montréal, Québec)
Expo (International Exhibitions Bureau)
Postcards Specimens.
World's fairs Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-1970.
World's fair buildings Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-1970.
Exhibition buildings Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-1970.



Added entries:

Messageries de presse Benjamin.


Location: Library main post cards 188868
Call No.: T752 (ID:92-F210)
Status: Available


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