Housing the co-op : a micro-political manifesto / editing: Sascha Delz, Rainer Hehl, Patricia Ventura.
Berlin, Germany : Ruby Press, [2020]
240 pages ; 18 cm
"Since the global financial crisis of 2008, which was triggered by a real estate crisis, there is a renewed search for alternative forms of housing production that escape speculative interests and are based instead on models of co-ownership, co-production and co-management. Against this backdrop the concept of the cooperative has experienced a true renaissance in recent years. Housing the Co-op shows how cooperative housing construction and forms of self-determined building production offer effective solutions to the global housing crisis. The manifesto and accompanying essays with case studies from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas make a claim that by combining micro-political actions and co-operative practices we can move closer to a systemic change for a more sustainable and equitable future. A glossary of cooperative housing explains important terms. With texts by Rainer Hehl, Patrícia Ventura, Sascha Delz, Kavita Kulkarni, Bisrat Woldeyessus, Michael Pfister, Juan Du, Paula Constante, Irina Davidovici, Anna Heilgemeir." -- Ruby Press website
9783944074313 (paperback)
3944074319 (paperback)
Housing, Cooperative.
Housing Political aspects.
Housing policy.
Housing United States.
Housing Continents.
Logement coopératif.
Logement Politique gouvernementale.
cooperative housing.
United States
Delz, Sascha, 1979- editor.
Hehl, Rainer, editor.
Ventura, Patricia, 1968- editor.
Location: Library main y 310202
Call No.: BIB 255300
Status: Available
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