Tavares, Paulo speaker.
Paulo Tavares : In the frontiers of climate change (Toward a politics of nonhuman rights).
[Montréal] : CCA, [2016]
1 streaming video file (49 min., 49 sec.) : sound, colour
Drawing from a series of cases across the global deforestation belt, Paulo Tavares traces the relations between histories of colonization, environmental destruction and climate change. Often deployed under the guise of "development", the visualization of such means of violence against nature lead us to recognize that, alongside local communities, nonhuman forms of life are also its contemporary refugees.
Climatic changes.
Global environmental change.
Nature Effect of human beings on.
Environmental ethics.
Climate Change
Climat Changements.
Changement global (Environnement)
Homme Influence sur la nature.
Éthique de l'environnement.
climate change.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
In the frontiers of climate change : toward a politics of nonhuman rights
French title on CCA website: Dans les frontières du changement climatique : vers une politique des droits non humains
Location: Library internet resource 306964
Call No.: 306964
Status: Available
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