How architects, experts, politicians, international agencies, and citizens negotiate modern planning : Casablanca Chandigarh.

Main entry:

Avermaete, Tom speaker.

Title & Author:

How architects, experts, politicians, international agencies, and citizens negotiate modern planning : Casablanca Chandigarh.


[Montréal] : Centre canadien d'architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2014]


1 streaming video file (11 min., 13 sec.) : sound, colour

Produced in conjunction with the exhibition 'Comment les architectes, les experts, les politiciens, les agences internationales et les citoyens négocient l'urbanisme moderne : Casablanca Chandigarh' = 'How architects, experts, politicians, international agencies, and citizens negotiate modern planning: Casablanca Chandigarh', held at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, November 26, 2013-April 20, 2014.
Recorded and produced by the Centre canadien d'architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Speakers: Tom Avermaete and Maristella Casciato.
In English.

The exhibition How architects, experts, politicians, international agencies and citizens negotiate modern planning: Casablanca Chandigarh presents a new history of modern urbanism based on two major experiments in the Global South that took place during this wave of decolonization. Curators Tom Avermaete and Maristella Casciato consider anew the relationship between local conditions and the international language of modern architecture, particularly in the context of the political and economic cooperation favoured by the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and other international bodies.


Centre canadien d'architecture Exhibitions.
Centre canadien d'architecture
City planning India Chandīgarh History 20th century Exhibitions.
City planning Morocco Casablanca History 20th century Exhibitions.
City planning
India Chandīgarh
Morocco Casablanca


Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Exhibition catalogs

Added entries:

Casciato, Maristella speaker.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.

Curators Tom Avermaete and Maristella Casciato give a tour of Casablanca Chandigarh
French title on CCA website: Comment les architectes, les experts, les politiciens, les agences internationales et les citoyens négocient l'urbanisme moderne : Casablanca Chandigarh


Location: Library internet resource 307110
Call No.: 307110
Status: Available


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