Kneubühler, Thomas speaker.
Learning from... Chisasibi = L'enseignement de... Chisasibi.
[Montréal] : CCA, [2012]
1 streaming video file (1 hr., 29 min., 48 sec.) : sound, colour
A conversation between artist Thomas Kneubühler and filmmaker Ernest Webb, who explore the significance of housing and human migration in a small town in Northern Quebec.
Housing Québec (Province) Chisasibi.
Housing Québec (Province) Nord-du-Québec.
Migration, Internal Québec (Province) Chisasibi.
Migration, Internal Québec (Province) Nord-du-Québec.
Hydroelectric power plants Québec (Province) Nord-du-Québec.
Migration intérieure Québec (Province) Nord-du-Québec.
Centrales hydroélectriques Québec (Province) Nord-du-Québec.
Hydroelectric power plants.
Migration, Internal.
Chisasibi (Québec)
Québec Chisasibi.
Québec Nord-du-Québec.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Webb, Ernest speaker.
Ponte, Alessandra moderator.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
Enseignement de... (Lecture and film series) (2012 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
Enseignement de... Chisasibi
Location: Library internet resource 305468
Call No.: 305468
Status: Available
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