Wu, Rufina speaker.
Learning from... Hong Kong : Rufina Wu and Stefan Canham, 2012 May 3.
2 streaming video files (40 min., 29 sec. ; sound, colour 31 min., 10 sec.) :
Recordings of a lecture given at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, in Montréal. Self-built settlements on the roofs of high-rise buildings have been an integral part of Hong Kong's history for over half a century. Rooftop structures range from basic shelters for the disadvantaged to intricate multi-storey constructions equipped with the amenities of modern life. Rufina Wu and Stefan Canham use the tools of an architect and a photographer to document rooftop communities on five buildings located in older districts in the Kowloon Peninsula, all slated for redevelopment by the Urban Renewal Authority of Hong Kong.
Roofs China Hong Kong.
Architecture, Domestic China Hong Kong.
High-rise apartment buildings China Hong Kong.
Housing China Hong Kong.
Dwellings Social aspects China Hong Kong.
Toits Chine Hongkong.
Immeubles d'habitation en hauteur Chine Hongkong.
Habitations Aspect social Chine Hongkong.
Architecture, Domestic.
Dwellings Social aspects.
High-rise apartment buildings.
China Hong Kong.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Canham, Stefan speaker.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
Enseignement de... (Lecture and film series) (2012 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
French title from CCA website: Enseignement de... Hong Kong
Location: Library internet resource 305478
Call No.: 305478
Status: Available
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