Canada. National Parks Branch.
The Lake Erie cross, erected July, 1922 : a brief record of the discovery and occupation of the north shore of Lake Erie (1669-1670) by the Sulpician priests François Dollier de Casson and René de Bréhant de Galinée who on March 23rd, 1670, erected a cross, at the foot of which they affixed a procès-verbal, with the arms of France, thus taking possession in the name of their king.
Ottawa : Canada. National Parks, [1922] (Ottawa : Ackland)
15 p. : ill., facsim. ; 21 cm.
Historic sites series, no. 1
Dollier de Casson, François, 1636-1701.
Galinée, René Bréhan de, d. 1678.
Discoveries in geography.
Erie, Lake.
New France Discovery and exploration.
Érié, Lac.
Lake Erie.
North America New France.
Historic sites series ; no. 1.
Location: Library main canada 131873
Call No.: ID:86-B7564
Status: Available
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