Report of the Alley Dwelling Authority for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ...
Main entry:

Alley Dwelling Authority (Washington, D.C.)

Title & Author:

Report of the Alley Dwelling Authority for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ...


Washington, D.C. : United States Government Printing Office


8 volumes : maps, plans ; 23-27 cm

Report for 1934/35 covers the period from Nov. 10, 1934 to Dec. 15, 1935.
Vols. except for 1936-37 mimeographed (by the Authority?).
National Capital Housing Authority (Washington, D.C.). Annual report (OCoLC)173855756

The Authority established by the District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act (48 Stat. 930), June 12, 1934, to engage in slum clearance and reclamation in squares containing inhabited alleys. Renamed Alley Dwelling Authority by EO 6868, October 9, 1934. Redesignated National Capital Housing Authority, 1943--National Archives.
Washington's poorest citizens lived in tenement housing in the alleys; at the turn of the century, blacks made up two-thirds of the alley population. The National Capital Parks and Planning Commission in its 1930 comprehensive plan for the District called for a Congressional act which would give the President and local agencies of the federal government the power to purchase/condemn alley buildings and to relocate alley residents, primarily to vacant street dwellings elsewhere in the District. The Commission strove "to assure street property owners and tenants that the character of their neighborhoods will not be injured. The search for vacant houses is confined to negro blocks so as not to raise any question as to the population of a given square." There was not enough vacant housing to accommodate the displaced families; thus public housing in the District was begun.--American Studies at the University of Virginia website: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/ANACOSTIA/public.html


Alley Dwelling Authority (Washington, D.C.)
Public housing Washington (D.C.)
Housing Washington (D.C.) Statistics.
Sanitation Washington (D.C.)
Urban renewal Washington (D.C.)
City planning Washington (D.C.)
Slums Washington (D.C.)
African Americans Housing Washington (D.C.)
Logement social Washington (D.C.)
Salubrité publique Washington (D.C.)
Rénovation urbaine Washington (D.C.)
Noirs américains Logement Washington (D.C.)
African Americans Housing.
City planning.
Public housing.
Social conditions.
Urban renewal.
Washington (D.C.) Social conditions.
Washington (D.C.)


Annual reports.

Added entries:

1936 has title: Report of the Alley Dwelling Authority for the District of Columbia, an account of activities from the establishment of the Authority through the calendar year 1936


Location: Library main periodicals 229442
Call No.: W.A4449
Status: Available


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