Verborgene räume, verschwiegene biografien : schwule architekten vom 18. bis zum 20. jahrhundert = Hidden spaces, silent biographies : Gay Architects from the 18th to the 20th century / Wolfgang Voigt, Uwe Bresan, Hg./Ed.
Title & Author:

Verborgene räume, verschwiegene biografien : schwule architekten vom 18. bis zum 20. jahrhundert = Hidden spaces, silent biographies : Gay Architects from the 18th to the 20th century / Wolfgang Voigt, Uwe Bresan, Hg./Ed.


Erste Auflage


Berlin : Wasmuth & Zohlen Verlag, [2022]


304 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 23 cm

Featured architects include: Stanford White, Ralph Adams Cram, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, Bruce Goff, Charles Moor, Lionel Pries, Barry Dierks, William Alexander Levy, Paul Rudolph, Horace Gifford, Luis Barragán, Geoffrey Bawa, Horace Walpole and more.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Hamburg im 18. Jahrhundert : der Baumeister Ernst Georg Sonnin und sein Liebling = Hamburg in the 18th century : the architect Ernst Georg Sonnin and his "Liebling" / Wolfgang Voigt -- Die Erfindung der Queer Gothic : Horace Walpole = The invention of Queer Gothic : Horace Walpole / Uwe Bresan -- Exzentrisches Eremitentum : William Beckford = Eccentric Hermitism : William Beckford / Uwe Bresan -- Wie Castor und Pollux für immer verbunden : Percier und Fontaine, die Architekten Napoleons = Like Castor and Pollux forever united : Percier and Fontaine, Napoleon's architects / Wolfgang Voigt -- Die Architekten der Wiener Hofoper : Eduard van der Nüll und August Sicard von Sicardsburg = The architects of the Vienna Court Opera : Eduard van der Nüll and August Sicard von Sicardsburg / Richard Kurdiovsky -- Der Architekt und der Kürassier : Franz Heinrich Schwechten = The architect and the cuirassier : Franz Heinrich Schwechten / Wolfgang Voigt -- Zwei Stadtbauräte, zwei Junggesellen : Fritz Schumacher und Gustav Oelsner = Two city planning officials, two bachelors : Fritz Schumacher and Gustav Oelsner / Wolfgang Voigt -- Die erste deutsche Architektin und die bauende Lesbe als Zerrbild im homophoben Roman : Emilie Winkelmann und Blanka Wild = The first German female architect and the lesbian builder as a caricature in a homophobic novel : Emilie Wilkelmann and Blanka Wild / Wolfgang Voigt -- Mein Zuhause soll nicht sein : Austen St. Barbe Harrison = My home is not to be : Austen St. Barbe Harrison / Ron Fuchs -- Die Jagd auf schwule Architekturlehrer - drei amerikanische Fälle : Bruce Goff, Charles Moore, Lionel Pries = The hunt for gay architecture professors - three American cases : Bruce Goff, Charles Moore, Lionel Pries / Wolfgang Voigt -- Nur die Sonne war Zeuge : Barry Dierks und Eric Sawyer = The sun was the only witness : Barry Dierks and Eric Sawyer -- Sissie Architects : John Seely und Paul Paget = Sissy architects : John Seely and Paul Paget / Uwe Bresan
Eine Villa für zwei Junggesellen : St. Ann's Court von Raymond McGrath = A mansion for two bachelors : St Ann's Court by Raymond McGrath / Uwe Bresan -- Amüsante und weniger amüsante Erlebnisse : Alfred Roth = Amusing and less amusing experiences : Alfred Roth / Wolfgang Voigt -- Dreischeibenhaus und Schloss : Helmut Hentrich = Dreischeibenhaus and castle : Helmut Hentrich / Wolfgang Voigt -- Durch die Kollegen gerettet : Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer = Saved by colleagues : Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer / Wolfgang Voigt -- Der Abenteurer, sein Ghostwriter und ihr Architekt : William Alexander Levy = The adventurer, his ghost-writer and their architect : William Alexander Levy / Uwe Bresan -- Ein Gentlemen's Agreement : Patrick Gwynne = A gentlemen's agreement : Patrick Gwynne / Neil Bingham --Der Architekt und sein Engel : Chen Kuen Lee = The architect and his angel : Chen Kuen Lee / Uwe Bresan -- Das Geheimnis des Architekten : Paul Rudolph = The architect's secret : Paul Rudolph / Uwe Bresan -- Ich danke für die entsprechende Anrede : die Trans-architektin Hildegard Schirmacher = Thank you for the appropriate form of address : trans-architect Hildegard Schirmacher / Wolfgang Voigt -- To be openly gay at that time would not have been good for business : Arthur Erickson and Francisco Kripacz / Uwe Bresan -- Der Architekt im Playboy : Charles Moore = The architect in Playboy : Charles Moore / Uwe Bresan -- Der Architekt von Fire Island : Horace Gifford = The architect of Fire Island : Horace Gifford / Uwe Bresan -- Last, but not least : von Ashbee bis Gropius = Last, but not least : from Ashbee to Gropius / Wolfgang Voigt and Uwe Bresan.
Text in German ; with parallel English.

Homosexuality is still a taboo subject in architectural history. When historical architectural personalities have lived outside the heterosexual norm, their private lives are readily shrouded in obscurity. As long as penal laws endured, social existence was constantly threatened, and hiding was a necessity. Defensive strategies were needed to protect themselves. To track down these outsiders of the past, historical sources must be read queerly. This volume brings together 35 portraits of gay architects from the Baroque era to the modern age in North America, Europe and Palestine, presenting surprising biographies, admirable houses and, not infrequently, intelligently designed refuges with which the protagonists protected their private lives.




Architects Germany Biography.
Gay people Germany Biography.
Architectes Allemagne Biographies.
Personnes homosexuelles Allemagne Biographies.
Gay people



Added entries:

Voigt, Wolfgang, 1950- editor.
Bresan, Uwe, 1980- editor.

Hidden spaces, silent biographies : Gay Architects from the 18th to the 20th century
Schwule architekten : verschwiegene biografien vom 18. bis zum 20. JH.
Gay Architects : silent biographies from the 18th to the 20th century
Schwule architekten : Gay Architects


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