Fabrik von Prof. Josef Hoffmann. [electronic resource].
[Wiener Werkstätte] [approximately 1920]
still image
Open access content
Designed by Josef Hoffmann and hand-made by members of the Wiener Werkstätte, Hoffmann's "Fabrik" is more a factory town than a factory, with office and living-quarter components included amongst the industrial buildings. Like Ladislav Sutnar's "Factory Town" building blocks of about the same period, the toy is far from austere, although for entirely different reasons. Sutnar's ten blocks, in three basic geometric shapes (cubes, cones, triangular wedges), are painted in cheerful primary colours with door and window patterns in white. Hoffmann's twenty-nine factory pieces, although painted pale grey with darker grey roof tops, are nonetheless light in feeling with their graceful arched elements and their thousands of tiny, hand-painted windows. The delicate floral sprays which adorn many of the pieces are carried forward in another form to decorate the box
Blocks (Toys) Austria Specimens; Wooden toys Austria Specimens; Jouets en bois Autriche Spécimens; Jouets Autriche Spécimens; Cubes (Pièces de jeu) Autriche Spécimens; Toys Austria Specimens
Stacking assembly system toys
Hoffmann, Josef Franz Maria, 1870-1956; Wiener Werksta?tte
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