Wooden churches in Eastern Europe / Siegrid von Quast; Geleitwort/Preface Rudolf Moser
Main entry:

von Quast, Siegfried, author.

Title & Author:

Wooden churches in Eastern Europe / Siegrid von Quast; Geleitwort/Preface Rudolf Moser


Stuttgart ; London : Edition Axel Menges, 2024.


79 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm

"What all these buildings have in common is that with the available material, wood and the most modest means, places of worship, centres in the villages, were built with much feeling and love. The constructions in wood were derived in an old tradition from the dwellings and farm buildings of the peasant population. Their architecture with their typological forms probably penetrated into this seclusion as an idea. The idea of a church as a building was brought with them by clergymen and wandering master craftsmen from the more fertile plains and the rich, large mining and trading towns. The oldest churches were built as early as in the 15th century, most of those still standing were built in the 18th and 19th centuries, and quite a few are still being built today. Many were destroyed in the two world wars, many fell victim to ethnic cleansing after 1945, some fell into disrepair during the Soviet era, others were burnt down by lightning or short circuits, and quite a few simply gave way to the more "representative" stone churches as early as the 19th century. But a large number are still standing, consecrated, and believers gather in them. In fact, almost all of them in the various Carpathian countries are protected monuments, and many have been lovingly restored in recent times. Nevertheless, some are in poor condition." -- back of cover



Church architecture Europe, Eastern.
Building, Wooden Europe, Eastern.
Architecture chrétienne Europe de l'Est.
Construction en bois Europe de l'Est.

Added entries:

Moser, Rudolf author


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Call No.: 320219
Copy: 1
Status: Available


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