Houses : Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, SANAA / [exhibition curator, Agustín Pérez Rubio ; editor, Sam Chermayeff, Agustín Pérez Rubio, Tomoko Sakamoto ; essays, Luis Fernandez-Galiano and others].
Barcelona : ACTAR ; León : MUSAC, ©2007.
185 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 27 cm
9788496540705 (trade ed.)
8496540707 (trade ed.)
9788493535643 (museum ed.)
8493535648 (museum ed.)
Sejima, Kazuyo, 1956- Interviews.
Nishizawa, Ryūe, 1966- Interviews.
Sejima, Kazuyo, 1956- Entretiens.
Nishizawa, Ryūe, 1966- Entretiens.
Nishizawa, Ryūe, 1966-
Sejima, Kazuyo, 1956-
Nishizawa, Ryūe 1966-
Sejima, Kazuyo 1956-
Sejima, Kazuyo.
Nishizawa, Ryūe.
SANAA Ltd. Exhibitions.
SANAA Ltd. Expositions.
Architecture, Domestic Japan Exhibitions.
Architect-designed houses Japan Exhibitions.
Architecture domestique Japon Expositions.
Maisons conçues par des architectes Japon Expositions.
Architect-designed houses
Architecture, Domestic
Ausstellung León 2007.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Ausstellungskatalog 2007 León.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Pérez Rubio, Agustín.
Chermayeff, Sam.
Sakamoto, Tomoko.
Fernández-Galiano, Luis.
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León.
Houses SANAA
Location: Library main 253664
Call No.: NA44.S1972.23 H6 2007
Status: Available
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