Koyré, Alexandre, 1892-1964, author.
From the closed world to the infinite universe / Alexandre Koyré.
Johns Hopkins paperback edition.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1968.
x, 313 pages ; 21 cm
Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University. Third series: The Hideyo Noguchi lectures ; v. 7
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a radical change occurred in the patterns and framework of European thought. The root and fruit of this revolution are modern science and modern philosophy. Dr. Koyré interprets this revolution in terms of the change that occurred in man's conception of his universe and of his own place in it and demonstrates the primacy of this change in the development of the modern world.
0801803470 (paperback)
9780801803475 (paperback)
Publications of the Institute of the History of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins University. Third series, Hideyo Noguchi lectures ; v. 7.
Location: Library main 13644
Call No.: PO10685; ID:87-B1503
Status: Available
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