Bloor, A. J. (Alfred J.), 1828-1917.
Report of A.J. Bloor, delegate of the New York Chapter A.I.A. to the twenty-sixth annual convention of the Institute, held in Chicago, October 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1892.
New York : Press of Isaac H. Blanchard, [1893?]
39 pages
American Institute of Architects. Annual Convention (26th : 1892 : Chicago, Ill.)
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.)
World's Columbian Exposition
Exhibition buildings Illinois Chicago.
Expositions Constructions Illinois Chicago.
Exhibition buildings
Illinois Chicago
Exhibition buildings United States Illinois Chicago 1890-1900.
World's fair Buildings United States Illinois Chicago 1890-1900.
American Institute of Architects. Annual Convention (26th : 1892 : Chicago, Ill.)
American Institute of Architects. New York Chapter.
American architectural books : based on the Henry-Russell Hitchcock bibliography ; reel 13, no. 193a.
Location: Library study room microform 54522
Call No.: ID87B7159s13 MFM; ID:90-B3114
Status: Available
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