Pryce, Will.
Big shed / Will Pryce.
New York : Thames & Hudson, 2007. (Singapore : CS Graphics)
304 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm
Exhibition centers and sports arenas, factories and warehouses, airports and railway stations, museums and concert halls - big sheds are all around us. The book begins with the roots of the big shed - including nineteenth-century iron structures, the work of Buckminster Fuller and the Pompidou Center - and is then organized by function: exhibitions, industry, transportation, sports and arts. These areas account for the best examples of big sheds over the past twenty years, and include work by Frank Gehry, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Jean Nouvel, Daniel Libeskind, Nicholas Grimshaw, Toyo Ito and many others. From the urban demands of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles to Madrid's award- winning Barajas Airport, big sheds have changed the very nature of architecture. Featuring photographs plus detailed technical drawings, the book will inform anyone who marvels at these extraordinary structures.
9780500342343 (hbk.)
0500342342 (hbk.)
Public architecture Pictorial works.
Architecture publique Ouvrages illustrés.
Public architecture
Edifícios públicos.
Arquitetura moderna.
Estruturas mistas.
Illustrated works
Location: Library main 252562
Call No.: BIB 182268
Status: Available
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