Title & Author:
The book of Newfoundland / editor, Joseph R. Smallwood ; associate editor, James R. Thomas.
St. John's : Newfoundland Book Publishers, [©1937]-
volumes : illustrations, plates, portraits, maps ; 31 cm
Includes index.
Includes indexes.
Sea-gulls / E.J. Pratt, v. 2, page 262 -- The sea-cathedral ; Erosion / E.J. Pratt, v. 2, page 265 -- The history of John Jones / by E.J. Pratt, v. 6, page 627.
Volume I: Newfoundland to-day / by J.R. Smallwood -- Life to-day in Newfoundland / by J.R. Smallwood -- The resources of Newfoundland / by Sir J. Hope Simpson -- Our former constitution / by Richard A. Parson -- Our new constitution / by John B. McEvoy -- The geography of Newfoundland / by M.J. James -- The geology of Newfoundland / by A.K. Snelgrove -- The forests of Newfoundland / by Captain Jack Turner -- Agriculture in Newfoundland / by A.B. Banks -- Land colonisation and Markland / by the Hon. T. Lodge -- The Newfoundland seal hunt / by J.T. Callanan -- Commentary on the seal hunt / by the Hon. Captain Abram Kean -- Last voyage of the Viking / by Clayton L. King -- Newfoundland flowers / by A.M. Ayre -- Newfoundland trout / by Dr. Harold Thompson and Nancy Frost -- Salmon-fishing in Newfoundland / by Ben Ames Williams -- Salmon and salmon rivers / by the Hon. F.J. Morris -- The currency of Newfoundland / by F.C. Berteau -- Flaming history / by Michael F. Harrington -- The Newfoundland dog / by the Hon. Harold Macpherson -- Aviation in Newfoundland / by J.T. Meaney -- Unconscious press humour in Newfoundland / by Charles O'N. Conroy -- Journalism in Newfoundland / by T.D. Carew -- An outline of Newfoundland history / by Albert B. Perlin -- The fisherman's wife / by Isabel Scott -- An early Newfoundland tragedy / by Allen Geare -- A sidelight of history / by L.E.F. English -- The stamps of Newfoundland / by P.K. Devine -- Newfoundland folk music / by Frederick R. Emerson -- Buildings and monuments / by Michael F. Harrington -- Newfoundland statesmen of the past / by Edward B. Foran -- Storms and ships / by Captain John P. Horwood -- Yankee trade in Newfoundland / by Ralph Greenlee Lounsbury -- The co-operative movement in Newfoundland / by J.R. Smallwood -- The old N.I.W.A. / by Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell -- The Micmacs of Newfoundland / by Rev. Stanley St. Croix -- Education in Newfoundland / by Vincent P. Burke -- The Newfoundland Memorial University College / by M.F. Harrington -- Bishop Field College / by R.R. Wood -- St. Bonaventure's College / by the Rev. Bro. J.V. Birmingham -- The United Church College / by J.A. Cochrane -- Bishop Spencer College / by Violet M. Cherrington -- The Newfoundland Teachers' Association / by R.H. Richards -- The Gosling Memorial Public Library / by Harold Newell -- Communication in Newfoundland / by J.T. Meaney -- The story of radio in Newfoundland / by Ernest Ash -- Newfoundland's part in the Great War / by Capt. Leo Murphy -- Poetry and ballads of Newfoundland.
Volume II: St. John's city: historic capital of Newfoundland / by Edward B. Foran -- Glimpses of old St. John's / by Michael P. Murphy -- Some Newfoundland anecdotes / by William J. O'Neill -- A gazetteer of Newfoundland / by the Hon. W.J. Browne -- Old military landmarks / by I.C. Morris -- Wild birds of Newfoundland / by James R. Ewing -- PIrates in old Newfoundland / by Antiquarian -- The Cocos Island treasure / by P.K. Devine -- A trip to Newfoundland / by Earl Winterton -- Memories of Newfoundland / by E.J. Pratt -- Memories of Newfoundland / by the Hon. William Duff -- Old-time theatricals in St. John's / by T.H. O'Neill and R.A. Young -- True romances of Newfoundland / by P.K. Devine -- Richard Brothers: "Prince of the Hebrews, nephew of God" / by J.R. Smallwood -- Police and firemen in Newfoundland / by George J. Coughlan -- The Jubilee guilds of Newfoundland / by Blanche C. Turner -- The Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industrial Association / by F.L.T. Mitchell -- The Dorcas Society / by Edna Potts -- The St. Vincent de Paul Society / by Margaret Burke -- The Rotary Club / by Charles E. Hunt -- The Institute for the Blind / by Isabel Scott -- Charity Organisation Bureau / by M.F. Harrington -- The Railway Employees' Welfare Association / by T.J. Dalton -- The Grand Falls Co-operative Society / by a member -- The Seal-Skinners' Union / by James J. Fogarty -- The coopers' union / by James J. Power -- The longshoremen's protective union / by Thomas White -- The railway machinists' union / by F.A.F. Lusch -- The railway carmen's union / by Chesley E. Fry -- Methodist College Literary Institute / by Eric G. White -- The Llewelyn Club / by George H. Tucker -- Holy Cross Literary Association / by F.A. Cochrane -- Macdonald Fellowship Club / by Louise M. Saunders -- Medical history of Newfoundland / by L.E. Keegan -- Newfoundland Medical Association / by Cluny Macpherson -- Pharmacy in Newfoundland / by Robert Gear Macdonald -- The Church Lads' Brigade / by George R. Williams -- The Catholic Cadet Corps / by John M. Spearns -- The Newfoundland Highlanders / by Arch Munn -- Early Plymouth links with Newfoundland / by J.J. Beckerlegge -- The Boy Scout movement in Newfoundland / by Edward B. Foran -- The Girl Guide movement in Newfoundland / by Edith Alderdice -- The playgrounds movement / by A.B. Butt -- The Newfoundland Amateur Athletic Association / by J.A. Clancy -- Ice hockey in Newfoundland / by Gordon M. Stirling -- Football in Newfoundland / by J.A. Clancy -- Boxing and wrestling / by Richard Bunt and Arthur Johnson -- Tennis in Newfoundland / by Eric Jerrett -- The game of bowling / by E.F. Peters -- Ski-ing in Newfoundland / by John Canning -- Our annual regatta / by James D. Higgins -- The Guards' Athletic Association / by H.J. Wyatt -- Horse-racing in Newfoundland / by John D. O'Driscoll -- English masonry in Newfoundland / by William Barker -- The Benevolent Irish Society / by John C. Pippy -- The Total Abstinence Society / by James J. Spratt -- The Society of United Fishermen / by C.T. James -- The Star of the Sea Society / by William F. Graham -- The Holy Name Society / by M.P. Murphy -- The Church of England Assistant Association / by Stephen Russell -- The Sons of England Benefit Society / by Arthur G. Williams -- The Benevolent Order of Elks / by A.C. Tait -- The Newfoundland Board of Trade / by H.T. Renouf -- Fishery research in Newfoundland / by Harold Thompson -- Fire patrol of Newfoundland / by L.R. Cooper -- The Junior Forest Wardens of Newfoundland / by James Canning -- The Society for the Protection of Animals / by Gordon M. Higgins -- The Game Protection Association / by J. Gordon Muir -- Songs and sagas of Newfoundland / compiled by Rev. C.H. Johnson -- The Roman Catholic Church in Newfoundland / by the Right Rev. Monsignor Thomas J. Flynn -- The Church of England in Newfoundland / by the Rev. Canon G.H. Bolt -- Queen's (Theological) College / by the Rev. Canon N.S. Facey -- The Methodist (now United) Church in Newfoundland / by the Rev. Levi Curtis -- The Presbyterian Church in Newfoundland / by Dr. N.S. Fraser and Robert A. Templeton -- The Salvation Army in Newfoundland / by K.E. Brown -- Pentecostal assemblies in Newfoundland / by Alice B. Garrigus -- The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Newfoundland / by George H. Morgan -- The Hebrew congregation of Newfoundland / by the Rev. I. Dvorkin -- The Catholic orphanages / by Monsignor Flynn -- The Church of England orphanage / by Mrs. A.G. Gosling -- The United Church orphanage / by Clayton W. Puddester.
Volume III: Happy province / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- The story of Confederation / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Let us draw close to Canada / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- The gospel of Confederation: Book one / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- We knew what we wanted / by Hon. William J. Keough -- My part in Newfoundland's Confederation / by Hon. John W. Pickersgill -- I saw the fight for Confederation / by Donald C. Jamieson -- My fight for responsible government / by Peter J. Cashin -- The case for the restoration of responsible government / by Hon. William J. Browne -- Salute from a great Canadian / by Rt. Hon. Louis S. St. Laurent -- 1000 days that changed our destiny / by Alec G. Stacey -- I am the last Upper House man / by Hon. Francis Pike -- Recollections of politics in 1920 / by John T. Cheeseman -- I have worked with two premiers / by Hon. Leslie R. Curtis -- Battle of the giants: Bond and Morris / by Edward B. Foran -- Election results since Confederation / compiled by Wally Millman -- The Norse discovery of Newfoundland / by Helge Ingstad -- The first Newfoundlanders: The Beothucks / by James R. Thoms -- Early maps of Newfoundland / by Hon. Fabian O'Dea -- The geography of Newfoundland / by Dr. William F. Summers -- The place-names of Newfoundland / by Dr. E.R. Seary -- The birds of Newfoundland / by Dr. Leslie M. Tuck -- Our land and sea mammals / by Dr. Stuart R. Peters -- The Newfoundland dog / by Megan M. Nutbeem -- The forests of Newfoundland and Labrador / by Edmund Ralph -- Salmon and trout: tragedy / by Lee Wulff -- The Atlantic salmon of Newfoundland / by Alan R. Murray -- The coming of the tuna sport fishery / by Oliver L. Vardy -- The growth of Newfoundland's population / by E. Wesley Hutchings -- Cormack's great walk across Newfoundland / by James R. Thoms -- When Grenfell brought the reindeer to Newfoundland / by Sir Wilfred Grenfell -- Hugh Cole's 400-mile trek with reindeer / by Arthur Johnson -- The last sad story of the reindeer / as told by Sir Wilfred Grenfell in 1915 -- Stories out of our history / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Industrial development since Confederation / by Gordon F. Pushie -- The search for oil on the Grand Banks / by John C. Meeker -- Newfoundland now has 100,000 motor vehicles / by Robert A. Bartlett -- The Newfoundland railway: a Newfoundland epic / by Alfred R. Penney -- The coins and currency of Newfoundland / by C.F. Rowe -- The legal profession in Newfoundland / by Rupert W. Bartlett -- The framework of our history / by James R. Thoms -- Newfoundland's imaginative fisheries programme / by Ross Young -- The dialects of Newfoundland / by Dr. George M. Story -- Centralizing our population / by Hon. C.M. Lane -- The great Sir Robert Reid: The man who built the railway -- C.N.R.'s explosion of progress / by Ernest J. Cook -- The boom in tourism / by Douglas J. Wheeler -- Our provincial parks / by George F. Chafe -- The stamps of Newfoundland / by C.F. Rowe -- Necrology: Prominent Newfoundlanders who died since volumes I and II were published -- Reminiscenes of volumes I and II / by Leo P. Moakler.
Volume IV: The Labrador boundary case / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- The mighty Churchill / by Donald J. McParland -- The birth of Brinco / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- I witnessed the Labrador revolution / by Claude K. Howse -- The Eskimos of Labrador / by Rev. F.W. Peacock -- The Moravians in Labrador / by Rev. F.W. Peacock -- The Grenfell Movement / by Dr. Gordon W. Thomas -- Memories of Labrador / by Rev. Dr. Lester Burry -- Some ships and some men / by Andrew Horwood -- The port of St. John's / by Brian E. Higgins -- The new old St. John's / by Edward B. Foran -- New ideas in the new Newfoundland / by Edward M. Roberts -- The rise of eduction / by Hon. Dr. F.W. Rowe -- We begin to build a great university / by James R. Thoms -- Recollections of Memorial College / by Dr. A.C. Hunter -- I was Memorial's first graduate / by Helena M. Frecker -- The academic development of Memorial / by Dean M.O. Morgan -- My hopes for Memorial / by Rt. Hon. Lord Taylor -- Wild flowers of Newfoundland -- Marine biology in Newfoundland / by Dr. Frederick A. Aldrich -- The College of Fisheries: Genesis / by Dr. D.L. Cooper -- Newfoundland's great College of Fisheries / by Cyril Banikhin -- My hopes for the Fisheries College / by Dr. William F. Hampton -- The technical college / by K.F. Duggan -- Our great new technical education system / by William J. May -- Success story in adult education / by John R. Courage -- Education since 1949 and a forecast / by Frederick Kirby -- The organization of Newfoundland teachers / by N. Ray Wright -- The Newfoundland archives / by Allan M. Fraser -- The Anthenaeum and the museum / by Arthur Fox -- Architecture in Newfoundland and Labrador / by Angus J. Campbell -- The rise of engineering in Newfoundland / by Dr. Stanley Carew -- The bridges of Newfoundland / by Dr. Ernest A. Steinbrink -- Government House: its construction and its history / by Hon. Fabian O'Dea -- The remarkable expansion of marine works since Confederation / by Gerald E. Knight -- The boom in federal buildings / by Lloyd Hopkins -- I remember life in the outports / by Rev. G.H. Earle -- Memories of my life in Newfoundland / by Robert W. Pilot -- Outport memories / by Arthur R. Scammell -- Life yesterday in the outports / by John A. White -- Family Allowances and Old Age Security / by Carl Abbott -- Unemployment Insurance in Newfoundland / by N.S. Batten -- The welfare revolution in Newfoundland / by George Pope -- The co-op movement in Newfoundland / by C.C. James -- We have almost conquered TB / by Hon. Dr. J.M. McGrath and Dr. Edward S. Peters -- My song of sport / by Aubrey MacDonald -- Our Newfoundland constabulary / by Arthur Fox -- The Bay D'Espoir power project / by George P. Hobbs -- Art in Newfoundland / by Rae Perlin -- The revolution in roads / by Hon. Eric S. Jones -- The Doyle News: A Newfoundland institution / by James R. Thoms -- The Royal Newfoundland Regiment / by Major John F. O'Flaherty -- The army cadet movement / by Capt. Harry R. Rayner -- The air cadet movement / by F.A.J. Laws -- The Sea Cadets / by Eric Perry -- Newfoundland: a centre of world communication / by Melvin Rowe -- The fantastic communcations explosion / by Bob Lewis -- Recent development in the theatre / by Sylvia Wigh -- Pop bands in Newfoundland / by Ralph Walker -- The Housing Corporation success story / by Oliver L. Vardy -- The swine enterprise in Newfoundland / by A.C. Badcock -- Newfoundland's new poultry industry / by Gerard O'Reilly -- The boom in municipal development / by Hon. John C. Crosbie -- Town and country planning comes to Newfoundland / by Lt. Col. J.T. Allston -- The sawmill pioneers of Newfoundland / by James R. Thoms -- Churchill and Roosevelt in Newfoundland / by Sir Leonard C. Outerbridge -- The history of modern Newfoundland / by Albert B. Perlin -- The last duel in Newfoundland / by Robert Moss -- Recent Newfoundland poetry / edited by Hon. Charles R. Granger -- Our fighting forces in World War II / by Col. G.W.L. Nicholson -- Newfoundland dictionary of dates / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood.
Volume V: Recollections and revelations / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Dirty, diseased and dangerous -- and always exciting: St. John's in 1807 / by J.W. Withers -- The dramatic history of St. John's / by Henry W. LeMessurier -- "Let those bathe now that have never bathed before" -- Old St. John's / by James Murphy -- Those dear dim days (almost) beyond recall / by Kevin Jardine -- The great fire of '92 / by W.J. Kent -- The old graveyards of St. John's -- Recollections and records / by Rev. Canon Walter R. Smith -- This Newfoundland girl might have become Queen of France / by Rev. William Pilot -- I was never a converted Confederate / by Senator Frederick W. Rowe -- As I remember the fight / by Fred Scott -- I was Labrador's first elected representative / by Rev. Lester L. Burry -- I was Mr. Speaker when Confederation came / by Hon. Reginald Sparks -- The Confederation scheme that failed / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- A capsule history of the National Convention / by John R. Courage -- I cherish my memory of those days / by the Hon. Gordon A. Winter -- Some reflections on '48 / by Claude Dawe -- The merchants' 1866 petition against Confederation / by Arthur Fox -- I'm trying to be a good Canadian / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Britain acted honourably toward Newfoundland / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- "We have broken with an unhappy past" / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Why Confederation would not be best / by Chesley A. Crosbie -- I was one of Confederation's cabinet ministers / by William R. Callahan -- The Confederation war / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood and others -- $75 million paid out in workmen's compensation / by Allison Bugden -- Nearly $600 million in welfare / by George Pope -- Our minerals go from $10 million to over $300 million / by Claude K. Howse -- The city of Wabush has 4000 people now / by G.F. Pushie -- Population: Up over 50% settlements: Down over 33% / by E.W. Hutchings -- Dramatic change in education / by Philip J. Warren -- Education's future in Newfoundland / by G.M. Storey -- Education's astonishing progress since Confederation. A glimpse into the future / by Sister M. Nolasco Mulcahy -- "Newfoundland has progressed at a staggering rate ..." / by the Right Hon. The Lord Taylor -- The quality of education in Newfoundland / by Rev. Kevin J. Molloy -- I was one of Memorial's 156 students / by Canon George H. Earle -- Our Newfoundland revolution / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Our great arts and culture centres / by John Perlin -- M.C.L.I. is one of North America's oldest debating clubs / by Arthur Fox -- The state of news reporting today / by Elmer Harris -- Newfoundland's first newspaper and its publisher / by Don Morris -- Book-selling in Newfoundland / by George Baggs -- Rockwell Kent came back / by Rockwell Kent -- Six stories (and a letter) / by Genevieve Dolan -- But where is everything? / by Helen Porter -- The catch in trouting / by William J. Carew -- Newfoundland codology / by William J. Carew -- An astonishing coincidence / by Cluny Macpherson -- Louisa Journeaux's long boat ride / by Paul O'Neill -- Dobbin the diver / by John H. Devine -- The terrible death of the Anglo Saxon / by Arthur Johnson -- She was 100 tons, but had 200 passengers / by the right Hon. Lord Morris -- The Harbour Grace affray / by Arthur Fox -- Newfoundland treasure trove / by James P. Howley -- Life in Labrador with my famous father / by Dr. Tony Paddon -- Newfoundland Schooners / drawn illustrations by Ted Drover -- 100 "firsts" in Newfoundland / by Don Morris -- Newfoundland's communications pioneer giant: Frederick N. Gisborne / by George N. Horvath -- Beothuck vocabulary / by the Rev. John Clinch -- A dictionary of Newfoundland biography / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood.
Volume VI: Journal of the Rev. Henry Gordon, cartwright, Labrador -- Rev. Augustus Bayly's diary, 1849-50 -- Carter: A Father of Confederation / by Prescott Emerson -- The distinguished Newfoundlander: Sir Robert Pinsent -- Sir William Vallance Whiteway -- The notable Archdeacon Wix / by Canon W.R. Smith -- The reformer Coaker: a brief biography / by Ian McDonald -- Thirty-five who played a part in our history / by Marjorie Doyle -- Some recent premiers of Newfoundland / by Sir Patrick T. McGrath -- I interview Bertrand Russell / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- The New England trader (Newfoundland's Gill Family) / by Burnham Gill -- Twenty-six notable men / by James R. Thoms -- The Irish emigration to Newfoundland / by Thomas F. Necmec -- Some Irish families and their influence in Newfoundland / by Commander Anthony MacDermott -- The epic tragedy of Bell Island / by Peter Neary -- Bell Island was exciting for a growing boy / by Dr. Stanley Carew -- The brilliant success story of Corner Brook. Phase I / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- The new Corner Brook. The second phase / by Dr. Noel F. Murphy -- Lord Northcliffe comes to Newfoundland. Phase 1 / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Grand Falls: our most prosperous town. Phase 2 / by Walter B. Tucker -- Insurance leaps ahead since 1949 / by James G. Channing -- What is the "best" dollar for Newfoundland -- Transfers form Ottawa or produced here? / by G.K. Goundry -- Foreign capital and our economy, 1949-1974 / by Charles H. Pye -- Come by Chance refinery -- Canada has spent over $300,000,000 on Newfoundland fisheres / by William Rompkey -- Our fisherie's future: bad and good / by Dennis W. Monroe -- Disaster is very possible in the fishery / by Captain Max Burry -- Labrador's fight for economic freedom / by Sir Wilfred Grenfell -- Marystown Shipyard -- a success / by John Rannie -- Civil aviation's primitive beginning / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Co-operatives are making good progress now / by Lawrence Cashin -- Progress in egg, broiler, pork production / by G.J. O'Reilly -- Newfoundland's astonishing revolution in electricity / by George P. Hobbs -- Newfoundland's "Free Port" project / by H.C. Thompson -- The story of what's happened since / by Fred Scott -- Progress in dentistry / by E.P. Kavanagh -- Our fire fighters are organised now / by John N. Cardoulis -- Ten towns of Newfoundland -- The speech that launched Brinco / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- How Newfoundland got their ode / by Fraser Bond -- Did John Scolvus visit Labrador and Newfoundland in or about 1476? / by Lawrence M. Larson -- I left the bay: The bay didn't leave me / by Canon George H. Earle -- Solomon on the Rock / by Rev. George J. Bond -- Rose Blanche and me / by Cassie Brown -- When Newfoundland helped to save Canada / by Gustave Lanctot -- Spout Cove: birth and death / by George E. Trickett -- Newfoundland's most spectacular funeral / by Hon. Joseph R. Smallwood -- Reminiscences / by B.W. Colley -- How the fish came to Hants Harbour sixty years ago / by Rev. Moses Harvey -- The Clarenville "Splinter" Fleet / by Andrew Horwood -- The Prince's Rink, hockey's birthplace / by Frank Graham -- The military history of Newfoundland / by David Webber -- The deadly First of July drive / by Major Arthur Raley -- The first five hundred -- The Americans come to Newfoundland / by Richard Straus -- The state of religion today / by John O'Mara -- Dramatic developments in local government / by Clarence Keeping -- The growth and planning of communities in Newfoundland / by Col. J.T. Allston -- An anthology of Newfoundland poems / compiled by Gregory J. Power.
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Canada, Newfoundland History.
Canada, Newfoundland, Labrador History.
Added entries:
Smallwood, Joseph R., 1900-1991.
Thomas, James R.
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