Sclarandis, Pier Giorgio.
Chandigarh : Le Corbusier in India / Piergiorgio Sclarandis ; [testi, Giuliano Bocalli [and others]].
[Milan] : Cartiere Milani Fabriano : Credito Valtellinese, [1993]
87 pages : illustrations, portrait ; 21 x 31 cm
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965 Exhibitions.
Sclarandis, Pier Giorgio Exhibitions.
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965
Architectural photography.
Black-and-white photography.
Photography, Artistic.
Architecture India Chandīgarh Exhibitions.
Photographie d'architecture.
Photographie en noir et blanc.
Photographie artistique.
Architecture Inde Chandigarh Expositions.
black-and-white photography.
art photography.
Chandīgarh (India) Pictorial works.
Chandīgarh (India) Buildings, structures, etc.
India Chandīgarh
French Architects.
Swiss Architects.
French Urban planners.
Swiss Urban planners.
Exhibition catalogs.
Illustrated works
Bocalli, Giuliano.
Galleria Gruppo credito valtellinese (Milan, Italy)
Corbusier in India
Location: Library main m 244923
Call No.: NA44.L433.23 S3 1993
Status: Available
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