Clark Symposium (2005 : Williamstown, Mass.)
The meaning of photography / edited by Robin Kelsey and Blake Stimson.
Williamstown, Mass. : Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute ; New Haven : Distributed by Yale University Press, ©2008.
xxxi, 211 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Clark studies in the visual arts
In this volume, more than 20 leading scholars discuss the discipline, practice, historiography, and study of photography, from William Henry Fox Talbot to Louise Lawler, and reflect on the status of photography today.
9780931102745 (Clark ; alk. paper)
093110274X (Clark ; alk. paper)
9780300121506 (Yale ; alk. paper)
0300121504 (Yale ; alk. paper)
Photography Congresses.
Photography History Congresses.
Photographie Congrès.
Photographie Histoire Congrès.
21.42 history of photographic art.
Photography Historiography.
Photography Study and teaching.
Art review.
Photography History.
Fotokonst teori, filosofi historia.
Fotografi teori, filosofi.
Fotografi konferenser.
Fotografi historia konferenser.
Williamstown <Mass., 2005>
Williamstown (Mass., 2005)
Conference publications.
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Congresses (form)
Actes de congrès.
Kelsey, Robin, 1961-
Stimson, Blake.
Clark studies in the visual arts.
Location: Library main 258415
Call No.: BIB 189184
Status: Available
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