What we heard : report on the rural and native housing consultation process.
[Ottawa] : Public Affairs Centre, CMHC, ©1991.
iii, 40, 40, iii pages ; 28 cm
This report concerns efforts of the federal government to meet the shelter (housing) needs of rural, low-income, off-reseve, native (status and non-status Indians, Metis, Inuit) households in Canada. It provides an overview of responses reeceived at meetings and workshops held across the country in 1990.
Housing, Rural Canada.
Indians of North America Housing Canada.
Housing Canada.
First Nations Housing.
Logement rural Canada.
Housing, Rural.
Indians of North America Housing.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Public Affairs Centre.
Ce qu'on a entendu
Report on the rural and native housing consultation process
Location: Library main 300496
Call No.: BIB 246692
Status: Available
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