An historical introduction to private law / R.C. van Caenegem ; translated by D.E.L. Johnston.
Main entry:

Caenegem, R. C. van.

Title & Author:

An historical introduction to private law / R.C. van Caenegem ; translated by D.E.L. Johnston.


Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1992.


viii, 215 pages ; 24 cm

Translation of: Geschiedkundige inleiding tot het privaatrecht.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 198-205) and index.
1. The origins of contemporary private law, 1789-1807. The Code civil of 1804: an end and a new beginning. The Code civil in Europe. Common law and reception. The compilation and promulgation of the Code civil of 1804. The Code civil: ancient and modern. The spirit of the Code civil. Courts and procedure. The merits of codification. Opposition to codification. Bibliography -- 2. Antecedents: the early Middle Ages, c. 500-c. 1100. The character of the period. Roman law. The Germanic national laws. Feudal law. Legislation: general points. Legislation: the capitularies. Jurisprudence. The courts and procedure. Evaluation. Bibliography -- 3. Europe and Roman-Germanic law, c. 1100-c. 1750. Character of the period. Before and after 1500: continuity. The development of the law: outline. Customary law. The European ius commune. Legislation. Case law. The courts and procedure. Factors. Evaluation. Bibliography.
4. Enlightenment, natural law and the modern codes: from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. Characteristics. The Enlightenment. Natural law. The codes of the Enlightenment. Factors. The courts and procedure. English law in the Enlightenment. Evaluation of the law of reason. The law of reason and the Historical School. Bibliography -- 5. The nineteenth century: the interpretation of the Code civil and the struggle for the law. France. Belgium and the Netherlands. Germany. Conservative England. Innovation in England. Bibliography -- 6. Statute, case law and scholarship. The question. Advantages and disadvantages. Legislators, judges and professors: competition. Law and the Volksgeist -- 7. Factors. Introduction. Change in law. Ideas and political power. Social groups and private law. The intellectual and moral climate. Final considerations.
Translation of: Introduction historique au droit privé.

An explanation of what produced the private law of the Western world today with particular attention to the origins of the common law-civil law dichotomy, and how it arose that England and the continent of Europe, live under two different legal systems.


0521405149 (hardback)
9780521405140 (hardback)
0521427452 (paperback)
9780521427456 (paperback)


Civil law Europe History.
Droit civil Europe Histoire.
Civil law.
Common law.
Droit privé Europe Histoire.
Private law




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