Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852.
Hints to persons about building in the country / by A.J. Downing. And, Hints to young architects / by Geo. Wightwick ; with additional notes by A.J. Downing.
3rd American ed.
New York : J. Wiley, 1859.
157 pages : illustrations
Architecture Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Architecture Guides, manuels, etc.
Handbooks and manuals
Guides et manuels.
Wightwick, George, 1802-1872. Hints to young architects.
American architectural books ; reel 108, no. 1406.
Location: Library study room microform 42448
Call No.: ID87B7159s108 MFM; ID:89-B2391
Status: Available
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