Virtue and vision : sculpture and Scotland, 1540-1990 / edited by Fiona Pearson.
[Edinburgh] : National Galleries of Scotland, [1991]
175 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Sculpture, Scottish Exhibitions.
Sculpture, Renaissance Scotland Exhibitions.
Sculpture, Modern Exhibitions.
Sculpture Scotland Exhibitions.
Sculpture écossaise Expositions.
Sculpture de la Renaissance Écosse Expositions.
Sculpture Écosse Expositions.
Sculpture, Modern
Sculpture, Renaissance
Sculpture, Scottish
Sculpture Grande Bretagne Ecosse Histoire.
Arts and crafts.
Exhibition catalogs
Pearson, Fiona.
National Galleries of Scotland.
Royal Scottish Academy.
Location: Library main 67653
Call No.: ID PLS EXHX; ID:91-B3337
Status: Available
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