Enns, Richard A. (Richard Alan), 1956-
A bibliography of northern Manitoba / Richard A. Enns.
Winnipeg, Man. : University of Manitoba Press, 1991.
vii, 128 pages ; 23 cm.
Manitoba studies in native history. Occasional papers
Published and unpublished sources on northern Manitoba (north of 53 degrees N and east of Lake Winnipeg from 51 degrees N), including bibliographies mentioning the region and works on the fur trade, aboriginal and Metis peoples, exploration, churches and missions, geography and resources and community histories.
0887556256 (alk. paper)
9780887556258 (alk. paper)
Fur trade Manitoba Bibliography.
Indians of North America Manitoba Bibliography.
Fur trade Manitoba, Northern Bibliography.
Indians of North America Manitoba, Northern Bibliography.
Fourrures Commerce Manitoba Bibliographie.
Peuples autochtones Amérique du Nord Manitoba Bibliographie.
Premières Nations Manitoba Bibliographie.
Fur trade
Indians of North America
Manitoba Bibliography.
Manitoba, Northern Bibliography.
Manitoba Bibliographie.
Canada, Manitoba Bibliography.
Canada, Manitoba History Inventories, registers, catalogs.
Manitoba Nord
Manitoba studies in native history. Occasional papers.
Location: Library study room 89057
Call No.: ID Z1392.M35.E56 REF; ID:93-B2473
Status: Available
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