Culture Wars : documents from the recent controversies in the arts / edited by Richard Bolton.
Title & Author:

Culture Wars : documents from the recent controversies in the arts / edited by Richard Bolton.


1st ed.


New York : New Press, 1992.


xviii, 363 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Preface / Philip Brookman -- Introduction (starting p. 3) / Richard Bolton -- Readings -- Rev. Donald Wildmon, letter concerning Serrano's Piss Christ, April 5, 1989 (starting p. 27) -- Debate in Senate over the NEA, statements by Sen. Alfonse D'Amato and Sen. Jesse Helms, with letter of protest to NEA's Hugh Southern, May 18, 1989 (starting p. 28) -- Patrick Buchanan, Losing the War for America's Culture?, Washington Times, May 22, 1989 (starting p. 31) -- Sen. Slade Gorton, On the Official Funding of Religious Bigotry, statement to the Senate, May 31, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 33) -- Joshua P. Smith, Why the Corcoran Made a Big Mistake, Washington Post, June 18, 1989 (starting p. 37) -- Mapplethorpe Agonistes, Washington Times, June 20, 1989 (starting p. 39) -- Samuel Lipman, Say No to Trash, New York Times, June 23, 1989 (starting p. 41) -- Robert Brustein, Don't Punish the Arts, New York Times, June 23, 1989 (starting p. 42) -- Richard Grenier, A Burning Issue Lights Artistic Ire, Washington Times, June 28, 1989 (starting p. 44) -- Freeborn G. Jewett, Jr. and David Lloyd Kreeger, The Corcoran: We Did the Right Thing, Washington Post, June 29, 1989 (starting p. 46) -- Nicols Fox, NEA Under Siege, New Art Examiner, Summer 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 47) -- Hilton Kramer, Is Art Above the Laws of Decency?, New York Times, July 2, 1989 (starting p. 51) -- Judith Reisman, Promoting Child Abuse as Art, Washington Times, July 7, 1989 (starting p. 56) -- Grace Glueck, Art on the Firing Line, New York Times, July 9, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 58) -- National Association of Artists' Organizations (NAAO), statement regarding censorship, July 16, 1989 (starting p. 63) -- Helen Frankenthaler, Did We Spawn an Arts Monster?, New York Times, July 17, 1989 (starting p. 63) -- Richard Goldstein, The Critic and the Commissar: Hilton Kramer's New Criterion, Village Voice, July 18, 1989 (starting p. 65) -- Michael Brenson, The Many Roles of Mapplethorpe, Acted Out in Ever-Shifting Images, New York Times, July 22, 1989 (starting p. 68) -- American Family Association, press release on the NEA, July 25, 1989 (starting p. 71) -- Debate in Senate over Helms amendment, including statements by Senators Jesse Helms, Howard Metzenbaum, John Chafee, Dan Coates, Edward Kennedy, Timothy Wirth, James Jeffords, Claiborn Pell, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, John Heinz, and text of Helms amendment, July 26, 1989 (excerpts) (starting p. 73) -- Patrick Buchanan, Pursued by Baying Yahoos, Washington Times, August 2, 1989 (starting p. 86) -- George Will, The Helms Bludgeon, Washington Post, August 3, 1989 (starting p. 88) -- Robert Hughes, A Loony Parody of Cultural Democracy, Time, August 14, 1989 (starting p. 90) -- Allen Ginsberg, letter concerning NEA, August 14, 1989 (starting p. 92) -- Down with the Senate Art Police!, Revolutionary Worker, August 14, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 92) -- Robert Samuelson, Highbrow Pork Barrel, Washington Post, August 16, 1989 (starting p. 94) -- Arthur Danto, Art and Taxpayers, The Nation, August 21/28, 1989 (starting p. 96) -- Frederick Hart, Contemporary Art is Perverted Art, Washington Post, August 22, 1989 (starting p. 98) -- Sen. Jesse Helms, It's the Job of Congress to Define What's Art, USA Today, September 8, 1989 (starting p. 100) -- Hon. Dana Rohrabacher, statement to the House of Representatives, September 13, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 101) -- Urine the Money, Washington Times, September 14, 1989 (starting p. 103) -- Sen. John Danforth, statement to the Senate, September 29, 1989 (starting p. 104) -- Carole S. Vance, The War on Culture, Art in America, September 1989 (starting p. 106) -- John Stopford, Speakeasy, New Art Examiner, September 1989 (starting p. 114) -- Steven Durland, Censorship, Multiculturalism, and Symbols, High Performance, Fall 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 117) -- Allan Sekula, "Gay-Bashing" as an Art Form, Los Angeles Times, October 21, 1989 (starting p. 118) -- 101st Congress, Public Law 101-121, October 23, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 121) -- Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Coalition direct mail, October 25, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 123) -- John Frohnmayer, letter to Susan Wyatt, November 3, 1989 (starting p. 125) -- Susan Wyatt, response to John Frohnmayer, November 8, 1989 (starting p. 126) -- David Wojnarowicz, Postcards from America: X-rays from Hell, Artists Space Witnesses exhibition catalog, November 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 126) -- Rev. Timothy Healy, statement to the House Subcommittee on Postsecondary, Education, November 15, 1989 (excerpt) (starting p. 130) -- John Russell, Statements of Grief and Survival in Show That Confronts AIDS, New York Times, November 16, 1989 (starting p. 132) -- Eric Gibson, Art, Morals, and NEA Taken for Granted, Washington Times, November 21, 1989 (starting p. 134) -- Patrick Buchanan, Where a Wall Is Needed, Washington Times, November 22, 1989 (starting p. 137) -- Dr. Christina Orr-Cahall, statement following resignation from the Corcoran, December 1989 (starting p. 139) -- Eleanor Heartney, Social Responsibility and Censorship, Sculpture, (January/February 1990) (starting p. 140) -- Jeff McMahon, letter to the Senate Subcommittee on Education, February 1, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 143) -- Hon. Dana Rohrabacher, "Dear Colleague" letter, February 5, 1990 (starting p. 147) -- Hon. Pat Williams, "Dear Colleague" letter, February 12, 1990 (starting p. 148) -- American Family Association, Is This How You Want Your Tax Dollars Spent?, fundraising advertisement, Washington Times, February 13, 1990 (starting p. 150) -- National Endowment for the Arts, Fact Sheet on American Family Association Fundraising Advertisement, February 1990 (starting p. 152) -- John Frohnmayer, statement to the House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, March 5, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 154) -- Vaclav Havel, statement for Arts Advocacy Day, March 18, 1990 (starting p. 156) -- John W. Vester, William J. Gerhardt, and Mark Snyder, Mapplethorpe in Cincinnati, Cincinnati Enquirer, March 24, 1990 (starting p. 157) -- Garrison Keillor, statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Education, March 29, 1990 (starting p. 159) -- Monty Lobb, Jr., The Side of Virtue and Dignity, Cincinnati Enquirer, March 30, 1990 (starting p. 161) -- Edward Martenson, Public Support: A Contract with the Arts, Between Acts, Winter 1989-90 (starting p. 163) -- Hon. Ted Weiss, statement to the House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, April 4, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 166) -- Hon. Mel Hancock, statement to House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, April 4, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 167) -- Don Gray, letter to the Senate Subcommittee on Education, April 5, 1990 (starting p. 168) -- Joseph Papp, letter to John Frohnmayer, April 9, 1990 (starting p. 171) -- John Frohnmayer, reply to Joseph Papp, April 13, 1990 (starting p. 173) -- Robert V. Voorhees, Why Go to See Mapplethorpe?, Cincinnati Enquirer, April 14, 1990 (starting p. 173) -- Floyd Abrams and Samuel Lipman, What's Obscene?, MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, April 16, 1990 (starting p. 175) -- John Frohnmayer, television interview with Rev. Pat Robertson, The 700 Club, April 23, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 180) -- Charles Krauthammer, Thinking Through Mapplethorpe, Washington Post, April 27, 1990 (starting p. 183) -- John Buchanan, statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Education, April 27, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 185) -- Bruce Fein, statement to the Senate Subcommittee on Education, April 27, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 187) -- Hon. Henry Hyde, The Culture War, National Review, April 30, 1990 (starting p. 190) -- Stephen Rohde, Art of the State: Congressional Censorship of the NEA, COMM/ENT, Spring 1990 (excerpt) (starting p.
194) -- Lucy Lippard, Andres Serrano: The Spirit and the Letter, Art in America, April 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 201) -- Association for Independent Film and Video (AIVF) Advocacy Committee, The Attack Against the Arts Has Intensified -- Help Fight Back!, mailing, May 1990 (starting p. 205) -- Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, The NEA's Suicide Charge, Washington Post, May 11, 1990 (starting p. 208) -- Karen Finley, letter to the editor, Washington Post, May 19, 1990 (starting p. 210) -- Kathleen Sullivan, A Free Society Doesn't Dictate to Artists, New York Times, May 18, 1990 (starting p. 211) -- NEA Artists' Projects: New Forms Panel, statement, May 25, 1990 (starting p. 212) -- Samuel Lipman, Backward and Downward with the Arts, Commentary, May 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 214) -- Carole S. Vance, Misunderstanding Obscenity, Art in America, May 1990 (starting p. 220) -- Hon. William Dannemeyer, Christianity Under Attack by "New Bigotry," AFA Journal, May 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 227) -- C. Carr, War on Art, Village Voice, June 5, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 230) -- Hon. Edolphus Towns, statement to the House of Representatives, June 19, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 239) -- Hon. Major Owens, statement to the House of Representatives, June 19, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 240) -- Robert Anbian, Bigots, Not NEA, Promote Social Decay, flyer, San Francisco/Bay Area Coalition for Freedom of Expression, June 22, 1990 (starting p. 241) -- Tim Miller, statement, July 4, 1990 (starting p. 244) -- Christopher Reeve, Rev. Pat Robertson, Mike Kinsley, and Patrick Buchanan, The NEA: Art or Outrage?, CNN Grossfire, July 16, 1990 (starting p. 245) -- Leila H. Little, Mapplethorpe: Art for Art's Sake, The Pilot, July 27, 1990 (starting p. 252) -- Holly Hughes and Richard Elovich, Homophobia at the N.E.A, New York Times, July 28, 1990 (starting p. 254) -- David Gergen, Who Should Pay for Porn?, U.S. News and World Report, July 30, 1990 (starting p. 255)
Sarah Schulman, Is the NEA Good for Gay Art?, Out Week, August 8, 1990 (starting p. 257) -- Hilton Kramer, There Is Only One Magazine That Tells You What Is Right..., direct mail for The New Criterion, August 1990 (starting p. 259) -- The Independent Commission, Recommendations on the Issue of Obscenity and Other Content Restrictions, from a report to Congress on the National Endowment for the Arts, September 11, 1990 (starting p. 261) -- Debate in House of Representatives, statements by Hons. Pat Williams, Bob Carr, Peter Kostmayer, and Robert Dornan, October 11, 1990 (excerpts) (starting p. 266) -- Elizabeth Hess, Art on Trial: Cincinnati's Dangerous Theater of the Ridiculous, Village Voice, October 23, 1990 (starting p. 269) -- Karen Finley, It's Only Art, Village Voice Literary Supplement, October 1990 (starting p. 282) -- Public Law 101-151, November 5, 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 284) -- Richard Goldstein, Doowutchyalike: In the Brave New World, Sex Sells, Village Voice, November 6, 1990 (starting p. 288) -- Andy Grundberg, Art Under Attack: Who Dares Say That It's No Good?, New York Times, November 25, 1990 (starting p. 291) -- Dennis Barrie, Freedom of Expression Is the Issue, SITE sound, November/December 1990 (excerpt) (starting p. 295) -- Margaret Spillane, The Culture of Narcissism, The Nation, December 10, 1990 (starting p. 300) -- Sen. Jesse Helms, letter to Rev. Jerry Falwell, 1991 (starting p. 306) -- Illustrations (starting p. 309) -- Andres Serrano, Piss Christ, 1987 -- Tim Miller, performance, Sex/Love/Stories -- Annie Sprinkle, performance, Post Porn Modernist -- John Frohnmayer and Reverend Donald Wildmon debate on CNN -- Guerrilla Girls, poster, 1989 -- Whitney Museum of American Art, advertisement, New York Times, September 7, 1989 -- Richard Serra, advertisement for exhibition, Art in America, October 1989 -- Christian Coalition, advertisement, Washington Post, June 20, 1990 -- Robbie Conal, Artificial Art Official, 1990 -- Hans Haacke, Helmsboro Country, 1990 -- Robert Mapplethorpe's work projected on the Corcoran Gallery of Art during pro-Mapplethorpe rally, June 30, 1989 (2) -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, Jim and Tom, Sausalito, 1977 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, John, 1978 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, Helmut and Brooks, NYC, 1978 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, Joe, 1978 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, Lou, 1978 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, X Portfolio, Self Portrait, 1978 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, Ajitto, 1981 -- Robert Mapplethorpe, Self Portrait, n.d -- Chronology (starting p. 331) / Debra Singer, Philip Brookman

"The ongoing efforts of government officials and self-appointed guardians of public morality to control the content of art and public speech have exposed deep divisions in America's beliefs about artistic value and freedom of expression. Richard Bolton's Culture Wars is the first book to document these turbulent and disturbing debates in detail, in the words of the artists, legislators, lobbyists, and critics themselves."--Publisher.

Table of contents



National Endowment for the Arts.
Arts Censorship United States.
Arts Economic aspects United States.
Culture conflict United States.
Censorship United States.
Art and state United States.
Censure États-Unis.
Art Politique gouvernementale États-Unis.
Arts Aspect économique États-Unis.
Conflit culturel États-Unis.
Art and state
Arts Censorship
Arts Economic aspects
Culture conflict
Federal aid to the arts United States.
Arts United States Censorship.
Arts and society United States.
Arts and morals
Freedom of speech United States.
Etats-Unis Politique culturelle.
United States
United States Cultural policy.
Geschichte 1989-1991

Added entries:

Bolton, Richard, 1956- editor.
Brookman, Philip, writer of preface.
Bolton, Richard, 1950-


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