Vaneigem, Raoul, 1934-
The Movement of the Free Spirit : general considerations and firsthand testimony concerning some brief flowerings of life in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and, incidentally, our own time / Raoul Vaneigem ; translated by Randall Cherry and Ian Patterson.
New York : Zone Books ; Cambridge, Mass. : Distributed by the MIT Press, 1994.
302 pages ; 24 cm
0942299701 (hard)
9780942299700 (hard)
Brethren of the Free Spirit.
Sects, Medieval.
Frères du libre esprit.
Sectes médiévales.
Broeders en Zusters van de Vrije Geest.
frères du libre-esprit (mouvement religieux)
hérésie Moyen-Âge (Bas) Renaissance.
Christianity Heresies History.
Location: Library main 196878
Call No.: ID BT1358.V3613; ID:98-B1785
Status: Available
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