Radde, Bruce, 1935-
The Merritt Parkway / Bruce Radde.
New Haven : Yale University Press, ©1993.
xii, 135 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm
Bruce Radde traces the history of Connecticut's Merritt Parkway from the proposals for its construction and design in the early 1920s to its triumphant completion in 1940.
Express highways Connecticut History.
Highway engineering Connecticut History.
Roads Connecticut History.
Technique routière Connecticut Histoire.
Highway engineering
Express highways
Ruimtelijke ordening.
Autoroutes Connecticut (États-Unis) 20e siècle.
Merritt Parkway (Conn.)
Connecticut Merritt Parkway
Roads History
Illustrated works.
John DePol Collection (Library of Congress)
Location: Library main 117687
Call No.: ID TE25.M45 R33; ID:95-B1428
Status: Available
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