The International Highrise Award 2008 = Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2008 / [Herausgeber, Michaela Busenkell, Peter Cachola Schmal].
Frankfurt am Main : Stadt Frankfurt am Main ; Berlin : Jovis, ©2008.
88 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
"Never before have so many high-rises been built. Spectacular skyscrapers with landmark character are not only appearing in boom cities like Dubai and Beijing or in the USA - the high-rise is also experiencing a renaissance in Europe. No type of building generates stronger emotions, but differentiated debate on these tower blocks only began recently." "It is no longer merely a question of how many meters tall, but of new qualities in the construction of high-rise buildings, e.g., energy efficiency, sustainability, and social, economic and ecological compatibility. The projects of the International Highrise Award 2008 demonstrate current developments and so present the full range of contemporary highrise construction, from utilisation to site-specific."--Jacket.
9783868590036 (pbk.)
386859003X (pbk.)
Internationaler Hochhaus Preis Exhibitions.
Tall buildings Exhibitions.
Architecture Awards Germany Exhibitions.
Skyscrapers Exhibitions.
Gratte-ciel Expositions.
Immeubles de grande hauteur Expositions.
Architecture Prix et récompenses Allemagne Expositions.
Internationaler Hochhaus Preis Expositions.
Architectural structure & design.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture Awards
Internationaler Hochhaus Preis
Tall buildings
Internationaler Hochhauspreis
Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs
Busenkell, Michaela.
Cachola Schmal, Peter, 1960-
Deutsches Architekturmuseum.
Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2008
Location: Library main 261342
Call No.: BIB 192346
Status: Available
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