Davis, Lynn, 1945-
Space project / Lynn Davis ; introduction by Alan Weisman.
First Edition
New York : The Monacelli Press, a division of Random House, [2009]
© 2009
127 pages : color illustrations ; 31 cm
"Lynn Davis, known for surveys of natural and man-made wonders, has long been fascinated with the objects and venues of space exploration. Her photographs of the architectural icons, cornerstones, and abandoned sites of the space race reflect the many facets of a historically complex industry: the beginnings of space exploration; the changing nature of technology; and a fascination with otherworldly ruins. She emphasizes the bold modernism of these sites while evoking the presence of obsolete technologies. Davis traveled to historic sites in Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, French Guiana, and the United States. She received special permission to visit Baikonur in Kazakhstan, a leading launch site shrouded in secrecy since the 1950s, and her photographs offer one of the first inside glimpses of launches, transmission towers, fuel lines, and satellites." -- amazon.com
9781580932516 (hbk.)
1580932517 (hbk.)
Davis, Lynn, 1945-
Architectural photography.
Aerospace industries Pictorial works.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie d'architecture.
Industries aérospatiales Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Aerospace industries
Outer space Exploration Equipment and supplies Pictorial works.
Outer space
Illustrated works
Weisman, Alan, author of introduction.
Location: Library main 266336
Call No.: BIB 198029
Status: Available
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