Margolius, Ivan.
Architects + engineers = structures / Ivan Margolius.
Chichester : Wiley, 2002.
104 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
"This book applauds the union of architecture and engineering both today and throughout the history of building and construction." "The relationship between the two fields is multifaceted. Some architects may have had an engineering background, and some engineers have experience of architecture. Some unacknowledged engineers have stood modestly behind great architects, and a number of architects have been encouraged and supported by their engineer-collaborators in designing structures that appear to defy gravity." "Architects + Engineers = Structures focuses on the ideal: on a cohesive building design team where the members contribute equally, resulting in unique and exceptional designs. These are architects and engineers who entice beauty into buildings not just with lines on paper and calculations but with intuition, innovation and feeling for the needs of people, materials, strength, proportion, lightness and elegance."--BOOK JACKET.
0471498254 (pbk.)
9780471498254 (pbk.)
architecture (discipline)
Location: Library main 229118
Call No.: NA680 .M33 2002
Status: Available
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