1928 : schoonheid en transparantie, logica en vernuft / redactie by Frederike Huygen = 1928 : beauty and lucidity, logic and ingenuity / edited by Frederike Huygen.
Title & Author:

1928 : schoonheid en transparantie, logica en vernuft / redactie by Frederike Huygen = 1928 : beauty and lucidity, logic and ingenuity / edited by Frederike Huygen.


Rotterdam : Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, 1993.


111 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

"Exhibition organised by Frederike Huygen, Iny Schleedoorn."--Page 112
"Exhibition organised by Frederike Huygen, Iny Schleedoorn."--P. [112].
Includes bibliographical references.
Voorwoord = foreword / Wim Crouwel -- Ten geleide = introduction / Frederike Huygen -- 1928 : een tussenjaar = the shadow in between / Jan Bank -- De Nieuwe wereld = the new world / Hannes Meyer -- Zakelijk, nieuw, modern en functioneel = some terms defined : objective, new, modern and functional / Frederike Huygen -- Rationalisatie en standaardisatie, de woorden van 1928 = rationalization and standardization, the words for 1928 / Hans Ibelings -- 1928 : in het teken van de gebogen stalen buis = the year of tubular steel / Otakar Máčel -- 'Waar een wil is, daar is normalisatie', de introductie van het A4-tje in Nederland = 'where there is a will, there's standardization', the introduction of the A4 in the Netherlands / Koosje Sierman.
Table of contents

Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen Exhibitions.
Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen.
Functionalism (Architecture) Netherlands Rotterdam Exhibitions.
Functionalism in art Exhibitions.
Fonctionnalisme (Architecture) Pays-Bas Rotterdam Expositions.
Fonctionnalisme dans l'art Expositions.
Functionalism (Architecture)
Functionalism in art.
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen.
Fonctionnalisme (architecture) Catalogues d'exposition.
Design Pays-Bas Histoire 1900-1945 Catalogues d'exposition.
Architecture 1900-1945 Pays-Bas Catalogues d'exposition.
Functionalism in art Netherlands Rotterdam Exhibitions.
Netherlands Rotterdam.


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.

Added entries:

Huygen, Frederique.
Schleedoorn, Iny.
Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen

Nineteen twenty-eight
Schoonheid en transparantie, logica en vernuft
Beauty and lucidity, logic and ingenuity
1928, beauty and lucidity, logic and ingenuity


Location: Library main 268701
Call No.: BIB 200579
Status: Available


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