Wilson, John.
Trigonometry with the doctrine of the sphere, plain dialing and spherique geometry : or projection of the sphere in plano. To which is subjoyn'd an appendix applying plain trigonometry to the taking of heights and distances, and to plain and Mercator's sailing.
The 2d ed., more full and correct than the former.
Edinburgh : Printed by W. Brown and J. Mosman, the Assigns of J. Watson deceast, His Majesty's Printers, 1724.
[1], iv, [2], 256 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
Plane trigonometry.
Globes Early works to 1800.
Architecture Early works to 1800.
Trigonométrie rectiligne.
Globes terrestres Ouvrages avant 1800.
Early works.
Location: Library cage y 176481
Call No.: QA553.W56 (ID:98-B2723)
Status: Available
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