Networks and environments : servo, USA·Sweden / [architect, servo ; translator, Yoon Jeong won ; essays by servo, Christopher Hight, Helene Furján].
Seoul, Korea : DAMDI Pub. Co., ©2008.
211, [5] pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
DD Design document series = Tidi sirijŭ ; 27
Communication in architectural design.
Architectural design Data processing.
Space (Architecture) Environmental aspects.
Architectural firms United States.
Architectural firms Sweden Stockholm.
Communication en design architectural.
Design architectural Informatique.
Espace (Architecture) Aspect de l'environnement.
Agences d'architecture États-Unis.
Agences d'architecture Suède Stockholm.
Architectural firms.
Sweden Stockholm.
United States.
Yoon, Jeong-won.
Hight, Christopher.
Furján, Helene.
Design document series ; 27.
Networks & environments
Servo, USA·Sweden
Location: Library main 261876
Call No.: BIB 192924
Status: Available
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