Architecture and identity / edited by Peter Herrle and Erik Wegerhoff.
Berlin : Lit, ©2008.
501 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Habitat-international ; Bd. 9
"This book brings together complex fields of knowledge and globally splintered discourses on the common complaint about the loss of identity which, to a substantial degree, is associated with the built environment in cities and specifically with their architecture. Architecture and Identity takes a global, multidisciplinary look on how identities in contemporary architecture are constructed. The book presents forty contributions from various disciplines aiming to destroy the myth of an inheritable or otherwise prefabricated identity."
9783825810887 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
3825810887 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Comparative architecture Congresses.
Architecture and society Congresses.
Architecture comparée Congrès.
Architecture et société Congrès.
Architecture and society.
Comparative architecture.
Conference papers (document genres)
Conference papers and proceedings.
Herrle, Peter.
Wegerhoff, Erik.
Technische Universität Berlin. Habitat Unit.
Habitat--international (Münster in Westfalen, Germany) ; Bd. 9.
Location: Library main 262407
Call No.: BIB 193511
Status: Available
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