Zukin, Sharon.
The cultures of cities / Sharon Zukin.
Cambridge, MA : Blackwell, ©1995.
xiv, 322 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm
"[This book]shows how three notions of culture - as ethnicity, aesthetic, and marketing tool - are reshaping urban places and conflicts over revitalization."--Publisher's description.
1557864365 (acid-free paper)
9781557864369 (acid-free paper)
1557864373 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
9781557864376 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
Cities and towns.
City and town life.
Sociology, Urban.
Small cities.
Petites villes.
Vie urbaine.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
Sociale ontwikkeling.
Sociologia urbana.
Geografia urbana.
Comportamento social.
Location: Library main 84223
Call No.: ID HT109.Z85; ID:95-B3461
Status: Available
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