An everyday modernism : the houses of William Wurster / edited by Marc Treib ; with essays by David Gebhard [and others].
San Francisco, Calif. : San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ; Berkeley : University of California Press, 1995.
252 pages : illustrations ; 32 cm
This work documents William Wurster's 50-year career and his place in comtemporary American architectural thought. Over 50 of Wurster's projects are featured here, with photographs, drawings and plans, along with essays from historians and critics providing insights into his life.
Wurster, William Wilson Exhibitions.
Wurster, William Wilson, 1895-1973 Expositions.
Wurster, William Wilson
Wurster, William Wilson, (1895-1973) Catalogues d'exposition.
Wurster, William Wilson, (1895-1973) Critique et interprétation.
Architecture domestique États-Unis Expositions.
Architects United States 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture domestique Californie (États-Unis) Catalogues d'exposition.
Houses Architecture.
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition publications.
catalogs (documents)
Exhibition catalogs
Treib, Marc.
Gebhard, David.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
Houses of William Wurster
Location: Library main 90779
Call No.: ID PLS NA44.W968; ID:95-B4922
Status: Available
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