Breschi, A. (Alberto)
Kilivani : sei progetti archittetonici in Sardegna : Maria Franca Perra, Giorgio Costa, Pierpaolo Perra, Danilo Scintu, Salvatore Ucini, Salvatore Trogu, Salvatore Carboni / Alberto Breschi, Flaviano M. Lorusso, Pierpaolo Perra.
Firenze : Alinea, ©1994.
95 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Architecture Research Italy Sardinia Exhibitions.
Group work in architecture Italy Sardinia Exhibitions.
Architecture Environmental aspects Italy Sardinia Exhibitions.
Architecture Travail en équipe Italie Sardaigne Expositions.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement Italie Sardaigne Expositions.
Architecture Recherche Italie Sardaigne Expositions.
Architecture Environmental aspects
Architecture Research
Group work in architecture
Italy Sardinia
Exhibition catalogs.
Lorusso, Flaviano Maria.
Perra, Pier Paolo.
Università di Firenze. Corso di progettazione urbana.
Università di Firenze. Dipartimento di progettazione dell'architettura.
Cagliari (Italy). EXMA.
Location: Library main 121484
Call No.: ID NA2204.S26; ID:95-B2307
Status: Available
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